There is a tradition in our home, come late August/early September: toasted tomato sandwiches. This is a tradition shared between John and Johannah. They look forward to these sandwiches for the taste; I look forward to these sandwiches for the laughter.
A couple of years ago, John introduced these sandwiches to Johannah. At the time, we had the most ginormous tomatoes growing in our garden. I don't know the variety, but I suspect it was something along the lines of "BIG BOY". Those tomatoes were huge, and because of their size, John felt that he needed to cut the slices of tomato respectively. When he brought the first (of what would be many) sandwich over to Johannah, she could seriously hardly get her mouth around it. There must have been at least a pound of tomato on that sandwich alone. Not being a big tomato eater myself, I just sat back and laughed, and laughed.
This year, the varieties John grew were much smaller, so the laughter wasn't as much, but the taste was phenomenal (or at least that's what John and Johannah say). John made them the traditional way: toast the bread, slap on mayo and stack the tomato slices. A nice way to say goodbye to summer.
A couple of years ago, John introduced these sandwiches to Johannah. At the time, we had the most ginormous tomatoes growing in our garden. I don't know the variety, but I suspect it was something along the lines of "BIG BOY". Those tomatoes were huge, and because of their size, John felt that he needed to cut the slices of tomato respectively. When he brought the first (of what would be many) sandwich over to Johannah, she could seriously hardly get her mouth around it. There must have been at least a pound of tomato on that sandwich alone. Not being a big tomato eater myself, I just sat back and laughed, and laughed.
This year, the varieties John grew were much smaller, so the laughter wasn't as much, but the taste was phenomenal (or at least that's what John and Johannah say). John made them the traditional way: toast the bread, slap on mayo and stack the tomato slices. A nice way to say goodbye to summer.

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