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Thankful for Laughter

Oh man, I just spent the last five minutes laughing until my sides hurt.  A man that we knew as a missionary in Germany (Elder Grimm) posted the link to this site on his FB page.  It's funny texts between kids and parents.  I'm still smiling (mostly because I remember the day when Ethan was about seven years old, and he asked me if he could stop drinking from a sippie-cup).  Here's just a sampling:

  • ME:  PS. I told a friend about the time you sent me to school with a bottle of cheez whiz and a sleeve of Ritz Crackers today. Also the fact that you bought a stack of dog bowls on sale and thought it was a brilliant idea because we couldn’t spill. The friend was highly amused.
  • DAD:  I still don’t remember the former but am still very proud of the latter. Dog bowls are more stable than normal bowls. The amount of food disasters went down drastically and immediately. Experiment agreed with theory. Wonderful.
Why didn't I think of dog bowls when my kids were little????

And here's one more:

  • DAD: My bagel is looking at me!!
  • ME: What the? Why are you using a Winnie the Pooh plate?
  • DAD: Shhh. Just let it happen.


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