And if you want the best floss out there, Oral-B Glide Pro-Health. I'm honestly super thankful for it, because before I found it, my teeth were a bloody mess every time I flossed.
A good habit that I care about is have a made bed. Not because it looks nice, although that is certainly a good thing, but because I hate the feeling of wrinkled sheets when I get in bed at night. I want the sheets to feel firm and orderly, not messy and weird, and making the bed is the best way to do that. You can ask Rebecca, but I will even make our bed at night a few minutes before we get into bed, because it means that the sheets have been firm and tight for at least a little while before I lay down.
I love to clean things. It's like when I reach a certain point of messiness I can't take it anymore and HAVE TO CLEAN! I don't even realize it sometimes until after I clean and then I just feel really happy when I come into a freshly cleaned space, but someplace, especially my home, being messy really irks me and so I have to clean it.
This is a memory that probably most of the family don't know, but it has been engrained in my mind and I've been thinking about it a LOT recently...
When we lived in Germany, our Home Teacher (for a time at least) was Brother Craddock, a British guy who married an Italian woman and worked for some company there. Anyways, I remember one month he came over and challenged us all to say our prayers before bed. Being like 10 years old at the time, I didn't think much of it.
Problem was when he came back that next month and followed up! Looking back on it now, he must have been a good missionary cause the follow up is rule number 1 of a mission! But my little scared self didn't know what to do when he came to me cause I definitely hadn't! All I remember was him looking straight at me and recommitting me to saying my prayers every night for the next month. You could tell from the way he was looking at me and talking to me directly that he really wanted me to be dedicated to say my prayers before bed, and I felt so relieved saying a prayer that night. To this day, when I think about not praying because I'm too tired or I just don't want to do it, I still can see Brother Craddock looking straight at me and telling me why praying is important. My mission taught me how we have to communicate with God often, but I think that one home teaching lesson from a great man taught me the importance of praying in the first place(:
John - Picking up things as I go, basically not procrastinating is something I have developed into a habit. I used to be a big procrastinator. Why not put off till tomorrow what we could do today? Over the years I have learned that procrastination is just not the way to go. So, as I go along in life I pick up the things that need to be picked up, I clean the things that need to be cleaned as I go along, and I try to get the things done that need to be done as soon as I can.
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