The next day, I woke up feeling pretty crummy. I canceled my temple appointment and just rested most of the day. When the kids were done studying and taking more finals, we met to go out to dinner.
Unbeknownst to me, Gordon had started a loaf of bread the night before and when we met up, he gave the
finished loaf to me. I promised myself (and my diet) that I would only eat a slice or two, but before I had even gotten back to the hotel, I'd eaten SIX.
Scout's honor, I didn't eat more than half of the loaf myself, but I probably could have if I'd allowed myself to do so. However, as with most things, I saw far more than just a loaf of bread.
As I told Gordon the next night, that loaf of bread meant the world to me. As I had thought about it earlier in the day, and as it brought tears to my eyes, I wondered why. I've had lots of loaves of bread before. What was so special about this one?
There was something really special in my mind about the fact that Gordon had thought of me and done something for me. John and I have spent our lives giving to others, either with our time, or with money, or with emotional support. I think most people think we are just fine on our own and that we don't need any help.
And that's probably true.
But boy, it sure is nice when someone thinks of us just because. How many prayers have I offered in my lifetime (and especially in the last few years) asking Heavenly Father to send someone to me who just thinks of me with no indication to them from me that I am struggling? But as I've mentioned before, my patriarchal blessing talks all about how "I will be given strength" in so many situations. As much as I don't want it and would really like to be on the receiving end of countless thoughtful gestures, it's just not in the cards for John and me.
But that bread was.
I don't know what made Gordon make that loaf of bread for me. It could possibly be just because it's his creative outlet, and he had nobody else to give it to. But I like to think that he felt something for me, or for John, or for the two of us, maybe and simply because we're the parents of Glo. I don't know.
But it was a gift.
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