Months ago, I asked Gordon about his graduation ceremony to which he told me that he wasn't planning on going. Thankfully, he listened to Glo and me and decided to attend. The morning dawned super beautiful. Greenie's brakes were on their way out, so we dropped off Greenie and picked up....Gordon's car (Glo is gonna have to come up with a name for the big white Acura ;-)) We convinced him to let us drop him off at the line-up, and Glo hopped out with him to make sure he got where he needed to be, leaving me to find parking. Thankfully, I was still stuck in traffic when she hopped back in with me and helped me navigate the labyrinth that is BYU. We walked up to the Marriott Center where I noticed ushers were scanning something at the doors. I turned to Glo and asked her if we needed tickets. "Not that I know of," she responded. Turns out, we did, but thankfully there was a line for losers who came without tickets. I read an article yesterday abou...
A blog chronicling the adventures of the Kennedy Family