Woo! Just woke up from a FAT NAP! Good stuff! Mama, happy BIRTHdaY! Man, I cannot believe I have literally been away from you for more than a year! My nap buddy, my fellow grocery shopper, my Panera/Culver's trip-maker, my piano player to my Bruch concerto, my morning walker, my tuna fish and grilled cheese lover, my partner on trips down to Philly, Art Fair goer. I love you so much, Mama. You are literally the Star I always try to follow in life. Thanks so much for being there with me every step of the way. Those long nights while Daddy was on call, or when you had a broken ankle, or time spent at the Interlochen cabin. I literally cannot imagine my life without you. Thanks so much for always being so patient and loving and just always being there. You are the rock we can always count on and the anchor of our family >3. I love you, Mama. Thanks for taking everything good you've had in your life and sharing it with us. I wish I was there to make you some tasty food--homemade tacos or tuna fish or go pick up Panera and bring it home #jacksonRd. But guess what? I will be home in less than FIVE MONTHS! Woot Woot! Six months til sexy? Five months till family fun! Also, Mommy, what an instrument you are in the Lord's hands. I LOVE the youth devotional that President Nelson gave. Listen to this, "Every prophet has talked about our day, when Israel would be gathered and the world would be prepared for the second coming of the Savior. Think of it! Of all the people who have ever lived on the planet Earth, we are the ones who get to participate in this final, great gathering event. How exciting is that? Our Heavenly Father has reserved many of His most noble spirits--perhaps, I might say, His finest team -- for this final phase. Those noble spirits--those finest players, those heroes--are you!"
Not only, Mama, are you one of those spirits but Heavenly Father trusted you to help those spirits in Young Women's! You're so amazing, Mama, and man, what more can I say? You are my idol. I look up to you so much, and I can't imagine having anyone else as my mom. Sorry my handwriting is all over the place, we are in the car :) Oh my, someone just....never mind. Thanks for always helping me, thinking of me, sending me packages and letters and emails and photos. And of course, thank you for giving us the LOVE of music. Yup, I'm now sitting at my desk looking at Charles <3 Although right now, my finger is messed up so maybe a week or two till I can play again, but I'll play you happy birthday once it's better :) And Mama, these weeks past, we have been doing so much family history, and remember that article? How many traditions, based on music or not, have you created and kept for our family? You're amazing, Mama. What more can I say :)
Love you so much.
<3 Glo
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