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50 Reasons to Celebrate Larisa!

In honor of the world's best mother-in-law on her favorite day of the year, fifty reasons (number chosen completely at random) why Larisa is AWESOME!

1.She loves with her whole heart. There isn't anything she wouldn't do for someone in her inner circle.

2. She makes the best cookies - chocolate chip, ginger snap...YUM!

3. She gives some pretty great dating advice. Granted I didn't need dating advice by the time I met her, but boy would it have been helpful ten years ago...

4. She is super smart! I'm pretty smart, but she frequently loses me in conversation talking about things way over my head.

5. She is the best musician I know. She lives and breaths music, and it is beautiful.

6. She is incredibly generous and thoughtful with her generosity. She seems to know exactly what you need, when you yourself don't know that you need it. The Christmas after Annie was born, she gave me four beautiful canvas prints from the day Annie was born. They were and still are so special to me.

7. She can always talk. I'm not very good at talking on the phone, so when I call her I make her carry and lead the conversation, but she always has something interesting to talk about.

8. No one can plan a trip like Larisa. She's got the perfect mix of organization, finding the best activities, and scouting out the yummiest food.

9. She is an amazing teacher. Every time I sit in on one of her lessons it is EXCELLENT. The class is always engaged, she offers unique insight, and teaches in a very relatable way.

10. She gives thoughtful, sincere compliments. Anyone can throw out a generic compliment, but Larisa makes hers sincere. You feel like a million bucks when you receive one.

11. She is a great Lollie. She takes the time to connect with Baby and Brother. She never shrugs them off, and will always talk with them.

12. She is a great parent. The proof is in the pudding.

13. She is a grammar wizard. Sometimes I have to google my texts to make sure I'm not making any grammatical errors ;) (I'm sure this post is filled with bad grammar...)

14. She is adventurous. She's not about doing your run of the mill activities. No way man, she gets in the water.

15. She's understanding. I'm a cryer. I don't like to cry in front of many people, but I can in front of Larisa. I know she'll always give me a hug and help me feel better.

16. She gives perspective. I remember calling her when Annie was a baby after her orthopedic doctor told me Annie would most likely need surgery on her hips. I was so upset, and Larisa gave me the perspective to realize we would be okay.

17. She gets excited with you! No matter how big or small your good news is, she'll match your level of enthusiasm.

18. She loves the temple. I honestly can't think of anyone who loves the temple more than Larisa.

19. She give real, practical advice. I just got a new calling as Young Women's President, and I was and am terrified, but Larisa has given me so much good advice already. She's the only one who can calm down my "asthma".

20. She loves TV! I love TV, so anyone who loves TV is great in my book.

21. She calls it like it is. She won't beat around the bush, she gets right to the point.

22. She is amazing at games. I have basically no hope at competing with her.

23. She has great taste in clothes. She always looks beautiful while wearing things that match her personality. A real gift in my opinion.

24. She has great hair!

25.She creates fun, meaningful family traditions. Celebration of the Egg, singing Christmas songs around the piano, running together, New Years Eve burnings.

26. She loves nature. I can't tell you the number of times I am out on a walk with Annie and she asks me something about nature that I don't know the answer to. We usually take a picture when we can and send it to Lollie to answer.

27. She is so patient. Speaking of Annie, that girl can talk. I definitely only have so much patience for it, but Lollie always listens.

28. She has a way with kids. I may have mentioned this already, but she's really good at it, so I'm saying it again. I'll never forget going to Pretzel Bell when Annie was two years old (I think). She told Annie that when she goes out to eat with Lollie there are rules: 1) No whining 2) No crying 3) Listen to whichever adult is in charge 4) You eat your food. We still recite these words before we go places, and have started teaching Everett them as well.

29. She thinks our kids are as great as we do.

30. She knows just when you need a pick me up, and knows just what to say to make you feel better.

31. She's better at social media than me, even though she's 20 years older.

32. She is an amazing photographer. She has taken all of our family photos since Ethan and I became engaged, and they are beautiful!

33. She has great taste in music.

34. She gives great movie suggestions. Like movies that are twenty years old that we've never heard of, but are actually really fun!

35. Book club. Larisa got us all to start a book club reading classics, and it has been going for two years! Pretty amazing. I've been introduced to some of my very favorite books because of book club!

36. She knows how to get the family rallied together. Birthday coming up? Larisa makes sure everyone is taken care of. Someone on a mission? Larisa reminds us to send them an email or a Christmas gift.

37. She wants her family to be happy. Whenever any of us come to visit, she plans activities that she knows will be enjoyed. She wants us to make good memories together.

38. She is gracious. Who asks for blog posts for their birthday instead of actual gifts? Larisa <3

39. She is super clean. Have you noticed how much more comfortable you feel in someones house when it is clean and organized? I have, and I felt comfortable in the Kennedy house the first time I entered.

40. She has the spirit. Something else I noticed when I first met the Kennedy family was the spirit I felt in their home.

41. She has a beautiful home. The furniture, the art, the pictures, the personal connections, everything is just beautiful.

42.She is an animal lover - especially the kitties :)

43. She is a great cook. Everything she makes is tasty!

44. She is well traveled, and has so many awesome life experiences because of it!

45. She is super active. I can't even believe how many miles/steps she gets on an average day. She puts me to shame!

46. She likes diet pop. 'Nough said.

47. She supports her family and wants us to be the best we can possibly be.

48. She sacrificed her personal aspirations for her family. I think it has made all the difference.

49. She makes you feel special, valued, and important.

50. Larisa is the glue that holds the Kennedy family together. She is the original mommy magnet. She keeps us all connected: either by the hard work she did in the past, or the things she still does.


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