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Looking Back on Young Women

Last month, I was released from Young Women.  I wanted to record what I shared in fast and testimony meeting about it, so I'm going to write it like I said it (although please understand that in written form, it might sound rather arrogant, but I promise it didn't sound like it from the pulpit.  There were several YW, and their parents in tears):

I want to bear testimony of the truthfulness of inspiration and personal revelation.  They have played a significant role in my life over the past year which has probably been the toughest year of my life.

As a pianist, it's difficult sometimes to feel like some (or even most) of the callings I get in the church are inspired.  I recognize that I have a skill that is useful, and I'm happy to share it.  However, every once in a while, a leader comes along who realizes that I can do more and would like to do more than just play the piano.

A year and a half ago, Sister Spencer felt inspired to call me as a counselor in the Young Women's organization.  She was hesitant to follow through though because I was traveling a lot at the time, so she put my name on the back burner.  However, she kept coming back to my name, and she finally submitted it for approval.

When I was extended the calling, I was happy to accept.  I love working with the youth of the church, and I knew it would stretch me.  (Plus--and I didn't share this--it was reassuring to feel like someone thought I would be an appropriate leader for the youth again after the nightmare that was PA.). However, six months later, my life hit a major speed bump, and I didn't feel that I could keep on going AND serve in Young Women's.  So I contacted the bishop and asked him to release me.

How thankful I am that he called me that evening and asked me, "Are you sure?"

I knew immediately that I was totally wrong.  The Spirit let me know that.  And so I stayed in.

And for the past year, Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings have been an anchor for me.  They have provided a bright light in what has often felt like darkness.  They have reminded me that my Heavenly Father is very aware of what I am going through and what I need to keep going.  While I know that I am supposed to be serving the Young Women, they have actually been a strength to me.

We have inspired leaders who follow the Spirit, and we need to trust them.  And we need to believe in ourselves and in our relationship with our Heavenly Father.

How thankful I have had the last year and a half with the Young Women.  It has been the biggest blessing.


A couple of weeks after our presidency was released, we went back into Young Women to say our final goodbyes...and to give them the gifts that we had planned on giving them for Christmas.  Back in the fall, when I was visiting Hannah in Utah, Sister Spencer had me look for gifts for them at Deseret Book.  We decided on necklaces that said "You gOt this" with the "O" hanging from a chain. They are fun and clever and hip and oh-so meaningful, and they came attached to a card that we wrote a message on for each individual Young Women.  And because we had bough enough with our budget, we gifted ourselves as well.  (I have since worn mine when I have been nervous on a certain day, and throughout the day, I will remind myself that, indeed, I've got this.)

Well, my goodbye was the best.  I'm not kidding, and yes, I'm bragging.  While Sister Spencer was preachy (but well meaning) as usual, and while nobody was quite sure what Sister Anderson was talking about (as usual), I had all kinds of inside jokes with the girls--a reminder of the stainless steel forks I will buy them for their temple marriages, Rosie the Riveter, drops of service like honey.  We were laughing, and we were crying, and in the end, they all expected the Sister Kennedy selfie.

And when we gave our cards/necklaces to the girls, we were able to give them all one final hug.  Some didn't let go of me, and again we were crying together.  And even some of the younger Laurels who had been Mia Maids with me had to come over and give me a hug as well.  I'm so thankful that Hannah decided to snap a few pics of me with them to capture the moment.

Rachel Hicken was one of my favorites (yes, like my children, I have favorites).  She NEEDED me and would seek me out to talk to me.  I held her the longest and gave her several goodbye kisses on the head.

Caroline has always been jealous of the relationship I have with the Mia Maids (she tells me this openly).  So while one of my Mia Maids with whom I never made a connection (Savannah in the background opening her card) sat in the chair, Caroline had to leave her Laurel line and come over and tell me goodbye.  I hugged her like she was one of my own <3


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