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Light The World

This year, I decided to participate in the Light the World campaign by the church.  Each day, I am sent a prompt via text of something I can do that day to light the world.  Not that I'm ever at a loss for ways to serve, but it sometimes gets me out of my comfort zone, doing things I might not do already.

Day One was to text someone back who texts you and tell them how much you appreciate them.  Let me pat my own back, because I do that multiple times a day already ;-)

Day Two hit me the wrong way initially.  Post on social media about someone who is an example of Christ-like service.  I didn't want to do this, because I see lots of hokey Utah people who are constantly posting about each other, and it's just too saccharine-sweet for me (looking at you Bailey...). But in a beautiful twist of events, I was actually CHOSEN by two different people as someone who exemplifies Christ-like service.

Hold. The. Phone.

I have NEVER been chosen by any of those social media things (5 favorite books, post a photo with no description).  NEVER.  And it always makes me feel so badly, because I would seriously love to participate.  So to get two notifications (while I'm supporting Hannah during her social media fast by not checking social media) blew me out of the water!

This first one was better than anything I could have asked for.  I wondered if the Young Women would even remember me after being released!

And my friend, Claudia, is someone I respect more than anything.  She isn't free with compliments or emotion, so when she speaks, I stop and listen.  And how wonderful that it was about me.

So I guess I'll eat my words about Day Two's hokey suggestion.

But I WILL laugh at Day Three--donate blood....  I even called the American Red Cross today, and after only giving my dates of living in Europe, the woman cut me off and said, "No, we will not take your donation, nor will you ever be allowed to donate."



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