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The Orioles vs. The Hummers

When we came home from our trip to New Mexico, our dog sitter, Gretchen, had told us how much the birds were going crazy over "the hummingbirds".  I was surprised to hear this, because I've been out on the Catio with the cats before, and they hardly even blink an eye when the hummingbirds come to the feeder.  However, within a morning of being home, I could tell that there was a very specific something happening outside that was NOT normal.

I belong to a FB group called "Michigan Bird Watching" or something like that, and a read a few weeks ago that the Baltimore Orioles (yes, the bird came first before the baseball team) were back in Michigan, and people were posting photos of multiple birds at one feeder.  Orioles are the kind of songbirds that you want around because they are just that, songbirds, and because they are spectacular looking.  Both the male and female are black and orange, but the males are like peacocks with their orange, all bright and loud and fancy.  When I caught sight of one last fall near our hummingbird feeder, I went to the FB group and asked what people thought about one coming close to the house (when I didn't have their traditional favorite orange slices or grape jelly).  As it turns out, they also like hummingbird feeders, but they can rarely get anything from them because of the covers over the nectar (usually to keep wasps away).

Well before I went on my trip, I had taken the cover off, hoping that I might get another oriole.  To my surprise, when I returned, I found them at the feeder multiple times an hour, and when I placed a saucer of strawberry jelly (left over from Gretchen) on the nearby table, they were returning in force. And I'll tell you this, every time they are out there (they are like cardinals who move as couples), it stops me in my tracks.  They are shy birds, so if they sense me they fly away quickly, so I'll hold a pose as long as they keep eating.

Of course, the hummingbirds are microscopic in size comparison, and I feel badly for my annual hummingbirds who now have to fight for time at the feeder.  The other day though, there was all kinds of screeching happening outside on the Catio, and I sneaked around to take a look.

It appears that the Rose-Breasted Grosbeak also likes strawberry jelly, and it wasn't near so considerate or quiet as the orioles.  It was squawking in a face-off for the sugary sweetness.  If I wasn't so worried about scaring both of them away, I would have hooted and hollered over the coolness of having both birds just feet away from me.  But the Grosbeak scared away the Oriole, probably because he too wanted to be part of the cool bird eating-only-from-Polish-Pottery club ;-)

This is something I will definitely miss when we leave Michigan....all my bird friends :-(


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