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Showing posts from 2019

Looking Back on Young Women

Last month, I was released from Young Women.  I wanted to record what I shared in fast and testimony meeting about it, so I'm going to write it like I said it (although please understand that in written form, it might sound rather arrogant, but I promise it didn't sound like it from the pulpit.  There were several YW, and their parents in tears): I want to bear testimony of the truthfulness of inspiration and personal revelation.  They have played a significant role in my life over the past year which has probably been the toughest year of my life. As a pianist, it's difficult sometimes to feel like some (or even most) of the callings I get in the church are inspired .  I recognize that I have a skill that is useful, and I'm happy to share it.  However, every once in a while, a leader comes along who realizes that I can do more and would like to do more than just play the piano. A year and a half ago, Sister Spencer felt inspired to call me as a counselor ...

Peter Pan and Wendy

About a week ago, I was asking Ethan if knew of any other gifts Rebecca would like for Christmas.  It just didn't feel like I'd found the perfect  gift for her.  He mentioned that she would like tickets for her and Baby to see a play put on by the Shakespeare Theatre Company in Washington DC titled Peter Pan and Wendy .  I looked it up and discovered that it was playing when we were going to be in the area, and I decided that several of us would go :-) I love our family book club.  It has opened our eyes to so many more references in the world, and studying the books we choose has really enhanced our lives.  We have sweet discussions about so many ideas and thoughts that I know would never come up in normal conversation.  When I chose to read Peter Pan  last year, I had no idea that it would end up meaning so much to several of us.  Because I was the moderator of the book, I also sent Baby her own materials to study it as well.  I gave...

Philadelphia in the Morning

We rose bright and early to get to the temple on time.  I had a very specific schedule for the day that would allow us to do an endowment session as a family, eat at Campo's for lunch, visit Longwood Gardens in the afternoon, and make it for Peter Pan and Wendy  in DC that evening.  The best laid plans of mice and men.... We got to the temple right on time and were handed a "9:30 endowment session" card.  I guess this is how they work out that there are enough seats for those who want to go through (we keep a running list in Detroit).  I actually like the card system, because it's so easy and straightforward although I do wonder what they do with those people who lose their cards between the front door and the door to the chapel.... I was surprised when we walked into the chapel, because there were only two or three seats left in the back.  In Detroit, our numbers have been low because of the holidays, so I assumed it would be the same in Philly. ...

A Very Different Christmas

This year, I entered the Christmas season with much trepidation.  When I packed up all of my earthly belongings back in the spring, I never thought that I would be without  those earthly belongings come fall, and especially come Christmas.  I kept out two cardigans (which I was still wearing last spring), and I had one pair of black corduroys (we all know how much I love my corduroys in the winter) that I had needed for a concert back in May (thank goodness I also kept out a long-sleeved black shirt!). Other than that, I don't have any winter clothes, not even wool socks.  Well okay, I had one pair of Smart Wool hiking socks that are purple ankle socks--not exactly what I want to wear with much of anything--but that came in handy when John and I toured the lighthouses (yes, I wore them for three solid days). And Christmas decorations.  I only have two pictures to hang on the wall (our family picture, and a picture of the temple), and nothing else.  I don...

Light the World (Again)

Yes, I copied Mommy's title. We're both so original, right?! Anyway, the prompt for Light the World yesterday was to share a scripture with a loved one, so I decided to share it here so all of my loved ones could read it.  I think one of my favorite scriptures is probably Doctrine and Covenants 25:12. It reads: "For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." Reasons I love this scripture: 1. Here, the Lord is speaking to Emma Smith. Emma had to be a pretty amazing woman to endure all that she did during the Restoration of the Gospel. She had to be so strong and faithful and tender and loving to give up so much to follow Joseph and support him as he worked to bring the truth back to the world. And here, God is speaking to her, telling her to put together a collection of songs praising Him. He trusted her with one of the most essential part o...

Light The World

This year, I decided to participate in the Light the World campaign by the church.  Each day, I am sent a prompt via text of something I can do that day to light the world.  Not that I'm ever at a loss for ways to serve, but it sometimes gets me out of my comfort zone, doing things I might not do already. Day One was to text someone back who texts you and tell them how much you appreciate them.  Let me pat my own back, because I do that multiple times a day already ;-) Day Two hit me the wrong way initially.  Post on social media about someone who is an example of Christ-like service.  I didn't want to do this, because I see lots of hokey Utah people who are constantly posting about each other, and it's just too saccharine-sweet for me (looking at you Bailey...). But in a beautiful twist of events, I was actually CHOSEN by two different people as someone who exemplifies Christ-like service. Hold. The. Phone. I have NEVER been chosen by any of those socia...

Our Actual Thanksgiving Weekend

I'm not going to lie.  I was not looking forward to Thanksgiving in any way, shape or form.  All it did was remind me that I wouldn't be getting the house ready for Christmas, that I had no Christmas decorations, and that Thanksgiving dinner would be made in my very pathetic kitchen.  I seriously just want to put my life on hold with the family until I can get back my life! Thankfully though, the kids still come home like Canadian geese, always following the homing beacon.  Well actually, only Ethan and Rebecca and the babies came home this Thanksgiving.  Hannah was forced to work (or lose her job), Glo was obviously busy being a missionary, and Mark and Allison were spending the holiday with her family.  But really, what more do we need at this stage of our lives than grand babies?? ;-) The night the kids were to arrive, John and I headed out to pick up our turkey.  A couple of weeks earlier, while driving from Dexter back to Ann Arbor, we had see...

Love....Disguised as a Turkey

The annual Kroger (Ann Arbor) Turkey Trot.  The kids come home for it like a bee to the hive.  It's probably our favorite race of the year because of the pictures, the medals, the t-shirts, and the treats at the end.  Ethan and Rebecca told us first that they were coming, and Mark jumped on board, and then seeing as Hannah hasn't been home in forever and a day, I flew her home for it as well (and it's yet another one of our activities that she hasn't experienced).  And since it was the weekend preceding our 30th anniversary, we just rolled everything into one big ball of Kennedy fun.  I should've made a t-shirt for the event, but we'll just count the race t-shirts as the remembrance. Ethan was flying in from DC so that he wouldn't miss a day of work, and Rebecca and the babies drove in on Wednesday afternoon.  Before Ethan landed, we took Rebecca to her favorite restaurant around, Smokehouse 52.  On the way, Baby found a bunch of ginkgo leaves alon...