I anticipate the chance to fast monthly as a church and as an individual. It's taken me many years of being an adult to fully appreciate the power of fasting--and to ignore the difficulty in refraining from eating for a full 24 hours. As a young adult, I would remember that Fast Sunday was the very next day, I would gobble down all the food I could muster and come up with a laundry list of things for which to fast. Thinking back on it, it reminds me of the Christmas and birthday lists my kids give me before any holiday. Here are the things I would like--please give me as many of them as you can. It's not being spoiled or entitled--it's just letting me know what's important to them and what they can actually use in their lives. As a parent, I appreciate the lists. However, there's something more to fasting. I guess the difference comes in that my kids know better than I do what they need in their lives at the moment, but Heavenly Father knows b...
A blog chronicling the adventures of the Kennedy Family