I never actually figured it would happen, but it did.
My children got smarter than me.
The love of politics runs deep in the McMillin blood. My mother used to publish a political newsletter back in the 70's, vilifying "Tricky Dick" and other politicians. Ethan grew up, hearing my opinions about national and world events, and I'd like to think that our ensuing discussions (along with a running subscription to Time) inspired his career choice. However, I know that I'm out of my league in political discussions now when Ethan begins most conversations with, "Have you heard about...?" and I must give him a sheepish smile and ask him to tell me about it. Yep, he's smarter than me.
Music. You would figure with all the college courses I took in musical theory, and all the years of playing the piano, I would be hard to beat in musical knowledge prowess. Nope. I knew I was in trouble when Mark came home during his freshman year at college, and was asking me about a particular chord progression in a sacrament hymn. I was honestly glad to just remember my basic tonic and dominant chords at that point. And I don't know what happened in the twenty years since I took classes, but I do believe the musical world has developed all kinds of new terminology, because I don't know anything about half the stuff he talks about. The only time I can beat him is in the car, playing "guess the composer" with random classical music selections. Although if one comes on that he's played, I'm done for. Yep, he's smarter than me.
I was pretty good, keeping the upper hand with Johannah...until she decided to major in Biology. Now, I am absolutely useless in helping her with her school work in anyway. And once she starts actually studying medicine? Yeah, she's smarter than me.
Now, you would think that I would still have a chance with Glo. After all, I've completed more education than she has. But then, I never planned on Glo becoming an expert in an area where I have absolutely no knowledge. Animation, and film studies. Really? I mean, what the heck? I realized that I was drowning in a pool of film history when she and I were listening to a director of some current movie on our local NPR station. She proceeded to then tell me everything about him, and why he was being interviewed at that point.
And this is where I stooped to a new level of low. While she was gone to HOBY, I was reading the most current issue of People magazine and reading about the new X-Men movie. I read that this will be the last movie for the three young characters of Professor Xavier (James McAvoy), Magneto (Michael Fassbender), and Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence).
And yes, I had to look up those names to type them in this post.
Anyway, I didn't think Glo knew that little tidbit of information, so what did I do? What would any self-respecting mom do to hold onto one last shred of self-worth? I ripped out the article and threw it away, attempting to keep my daughter from knowing as much, if not more, than me.
Yep, I've lost it. She's smarter than me too.
My children got smarter than me.
The love of politics runs deep in the McMillin blood. My mother used to publish a political newsletter back in the 70's, vilifying "Tricky Dick" and other politicians. Ethan grew up, hearing my opinions about national and world events, and I'd like to think that our ensuing discussions (along with a running subscription to Time) inspired his career choice. However, I know that I'm out of my league in political discussions now when Ethan begins most conversations with, "Have you heard about...?" and I must give him a sheepish smile and ask him to tell me about it. Yep, he's smarter than me.
Music. You would figure with all the college courses I took in musical theory, and all the years of playing the piano, I would be hard to beat in musical knowledge prowess. Nope. I knew I was in trouble when Mark came home during his freshman year at college, and was asking me about a particular chord progression in a sacrament hymn. I was honestly glad to just remember my basic tonic and dominant chords at that point. And I don't know what happened in the twenty years since I took classes, but I do believe the musical world has developed all kinds of new terminology, because I don't know anything about half the stuff he talks about. The only time I can beat him is in the car, playing "guess the composer" with random classical music selections. Although if one comes on that he's played, I'm done for. Yep, he's smarter than me.
I was pretty good, keeping the upper hand with Johannah...until she decided to major in Biology. Now, I am absolutely useless in helping her with her school work in anyway. And once she starts actually studying medicine? Yeah, she's smarter than me.
Now, you would think that I would still have a chance with Glo. After all, I've completed more education than she has. But then, I never planned on Glo becoming an expert in an area where I have absolutely no knowledge. Animation, and film studies. Really? I mean, what the heck? I realized that I was drowning in a pool of film history when she and I were listening to a director of some current movie on our local NPR station. She proceeded to then tell me everything about him, and why he was being interviewed at that point.
And this is where I stooped to a new level of low. While she was gone to HOBY, I was reading the most current issue of People magazine and reading about the new X-Men movie. I read that this will be the last movie for the three young characters of Professor Xavier (James McAvoy), Magneto (Michael Fassbender), and Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence).
And yes, I had to look up those names to type them in this post.
Anyway, I didn't think Glo knew that little tidbit of information, so what did I do? What would any self-respecting mom do to hold onto one last shred of self-worth? I ripped out the article and threw it away, attempting to keep my daughter from knowing as much, if not more, than me.
Yep, I've lost it. She's smarter than me too.
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