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Mother's Day, 2016

What better place to spend Mother's Day than Ireland? I didn't plan it this way--it just so happened that we were there--but Hannie at least asked me what I wanted for Mother's Day.  In truth, I just wanted time with the kids.  I wanted to be fed, and I wanted it to be a nice day.  Pictures don't hurt either!

We started out by trying to go to church.  I found a chapel just 20 minutes from Causeway Lodge, but as happens frequently when we travel, it was stake conference Sunday...and the stake center was in Belfast.  90 minutes away.  And it had already started.  I still think the church should rethink removing public access to basic calendars for units.

So, we went home, but not without stopping at a cool gate that is connected to a stone fence that John has long admired.  As we frequently hear John say as we drive around Ireland, "Look at that cool fence.  You know there must be something good behind it!"  Well, we have driven by this long fence many a time on our visits to Northern Ireland, and John just so happened to find the way in.  While the rest of us were happy to stay outside and use the gate as a backdrop, John couldn't resist finally seeing what was behind the fence.  He took his very innocent cohort in crime, Baby.  You can just see the two of them returning from their exploration in this picture:

I appreciate Mark's creative mind.  He thought with our very gothic looking backdrop, it would be appropriate for us to pose as a ghoulish family (i.e. The Others, or The Changeling).  He was spot on.

Mother's Day is all about being a mom.  I feel badly for people who say they don't like the holiday.  As Glo says, it's basically a second birthday for me.  I'm not expected to cook or clean (or do anything really), I get a nap, and I'm given gifts.  What's not to like?

In all honesty, I'm thankful for these human beings.  They have grown up to be terrific people, and they really do bring honor to my name.

I love these girls.  While I still have Glo around, I have come to appreciate Hannie even more since she isn't with me much these days.  They both have tender hearts, and make great choices in life, even when it's not the easiest thing to do.

Hannie has promised that she will take care of me in my old age, and ridiculous as that sounds, it brings me a lot of comfort.  We have actually cried tears over the idea of her making sure my hair still looks good when I'm demented and can't even remember her.  And she promises that she will sing to me, because I can't believe that I won't remember her voice when I can't remember anything else.  And I'm crying again just writing this...

These are always my favorite kinds of pictures!

Yep, just making a heart around me <3

We went back home and had a seminary lesson for our spiritual thought for the day.  And I took a nap.

When Hannie gently woke me up, she told me dinner was ready.  And lo and behold, Ethan and Rebecca had made lasagna for dinner!  And they had even brought gifts!  Gifts from Ann Arbor! Woot!

And then it was time for my final request:  I wanted to casually hike or walk somewhere where we could all sit and sing hymns together.  I love hearing my children sing, because, in all frankness, they amaze me.  It's like a special musical number anytime they open their mouths.

I was pretty forceful about heading to Dunluce Castle, because I figured it would have a good overlook and two.  It might have taken us climbing under a fence to get to a quiet spot, but leave it to John to find one!  And leave it to him to lead us with courage too!

Everybody chose a favorite hymn, some quick and speedy, some slow and reverent.  And in the end, Hannah decided that everyone should sing this for me:

It sounded like heaven to me, sitting there on that ledge.  And surprisingly, I couldn't hold back the tears, despite having taught that song to countless Primary children over the years.  It's funny to hear Mark mostly in the microphone, creating some crazy harmonies--to my ears, it was angels singing...or that could just be Hannie who sounds like an angel when she sings.  It was the perfect ending to a wonderful day.


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