I never actually figured it would happen, but it did. My children got smarter than me. The love of politics runs deep in the McMillin blood. My mother used to publish a political newsletter back in the 70's, vilifying "Tricky Dick" and other politicians. Ethan grew up, hearing my opinions about national and world events, and I'd like to think that our ensuing discussions (along with a running subscription to Time ) inspired his career choice. However, I know that I'm out of my league in political discussions now when Ethan begins most conversations with, "Have you heard about...?" and I must give him a sheepish smile and ask him to tell me about it. Yep, he's smarter than me. Music. You would figure with all the college courses I took in musical theory, and all the years of playing the piano, I would be hard to beat in musical knowledge prowess. Nope. I knew I was in trouble when Mark came home during his freshman year at college, and wa...
A blog chronicling the adventures of the Kennedy Family