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The First Three Weeks

Sessions for Intermediate campers at Interlochen (that's kids in sixth through ninth grade) are set up in three week increments.  Lucky Glo gets to attend both sessions, because we are obviously here all summer.

She couldn't have asked for a better first session.  We weren't too surprised that she made it into the top orchestra as a first violinist because she had that placement last year.  However, we still always breathe a sigh of relief when we see the postings.  At first, she wasn't too sure about her conductor or the music.  Most of the kids had already played the music in their school orchestras, so it wasn't much more than a review for them.  Of course, this would not be the case for Glo (which is one of the main reasons we attend Interlochen at all).  So, she was playing catch-up in relatively difficult music that had a super fast tempo.  However, the concert was fantastic!  I could hardly believe that Glo was playing the music that she was.  In the end, she had to admit that Maestro Kim was a good egg, and she was very glad that he had been her conductor.  Turns out, he's quite a big wig in the field of music education, and he told her that if she ever needed any help with anything to give him a call.  Nice!

For the three weeks, Glo was assigned a chamber group.  Every year she's had the same configuration: a trio with two violins and a cello.  Glo was supposed to be playing second violin in it, but the first violinist didn't want to play first violin.  Glo understood why:  it's always an exposed part, and you are basically in charge of leading the whole ensemble.  In other words, it's a heck of a lot of pressure.  Glo, being a kind person and having always sat first violin, agreed to do it.

Since I was working everyday, I wasn't thinking too much about the performance, until I sat down five minutes before the concert.  Then I started wondering if Glo was ready.  I hadn't given her all the usual reminders--play out, sit up, cue well.  I hoped she would be able to do it.

Turns out, Glo's trio was the last on the program which means they are the best.  Sorry--no other way to put it.  The best always plays last at Interlochen.  More worries for me.

As I sat through the concert and listened to the other performers, I was struck by the fact that none of them played near as well as Glo.  I wasn't sure what was going on, but I knew that Glo probably needed to be on a different concert program, playing with kids who have her sound.

So, when Glo's trio got up to play, and the second violinist and cellist began, I knew there was going to be no comparison.  And in fact, when Glo came in, it was like night and day.  Her sound was off the charts in comparison.  And it was at that moment that I knew!  My musical mother mind kicked in, and I knew that Glo had had a bad initial audition.

Kids are conniving little creatures.  As good as they may seem, there's a devil side to them.  Trust me, if you haven't seen it yet, you WILL!  When Glo had her initial audition, I was working, so I couldn't listen outside the door.  However, she told me the audition went well.  Right....

After we got home from Glo's chamber recital, I probed deeper.  Glo, what exactly happened in your audition?  Come to find out, Glo biffed a major part of her piece and the sight-reading didn't go so well.  Well, DUH!  Did she think I wouldn't be able to tell?

So, back to the story.  Glo's sound was exquisite, and she was a terrific leader.  (When I get home to a fast internet connection, I'll upload the video.)

Best thing?  She liked the kids in her ensemble.  The personality dynamics within ensembles are notorious, and all of my kids have had their fair share of crazy ensemble members.  Kids who think they know it all, kids who are bossy, kids who show up late, even for performances.  She had a great trio, and in all honesty, that's what you want most.

Finally, Glo decided to take photography again for an elective.  It's a great class because the kids use actual film and develop their own photos.  While she had a photo which was the best of the best, it wasn't my favorite.  So, here I post the one that is (and that will probably end up on the wall at home):

Overall, it was a fantastic first three weeks for Glo.  Here's to the next three!


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