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Oh the Things You Can Do with My Little Pony Stickers...

Interlochen is full of opportunities for the Kennedys.  We get to participate in wonderful orchestras, play with other fantastic musicians, and learn more about music every year.  We also have another sort of opportunity.  You see, Glo, Mark, and I have all come as day campers.  Instead of boarding in the cabins, we stay with Mommy and Daddy.  Day campers get all sorts of fun things because we don't live in the cabin.  We get to have bikes, which are great on the huge campus and we get to leave campus whenever we want.  We have a lot more freedom than boarding campers because our parents are responsible for us rather than counselors. So, this allows for some sneakiness.  Two years ago, Mark knit-bombed a statue of two bears on campus.  He snuck back on campus one night and put a knitted hoodie on the statue.  He knit the hoodie in the house we rent off campus, so no other campers knew about it.

Glo and I have recently been introduced to the show, My Little Pony.  All credit goes out to our Aunt Meg.  Now, you're probably thinking, why are a sixteen and thirteen year old watching My Little Pony?  I will tell you the truth.  I LOVE My Little Pony!  It is such a cute show, and it's super funny.  Glo and I are obsessed. We have found MLP trading cards, and coloring books.  The best part of the coloring books are the stickers that come with them.  The stickers all have a pink background, and different ponies with sayings like, STAR POWER.

At Interlochen, we have lanyards.  The lanyards hold our name tag. Our name tag is a white, and made of the plastic.  The front has our name, our division(High School Girls/Boys), and the year.  The back is completely blank.  So, as a silent tribute to MLP, I put a sticker of my favorite pony on the back of my name tag.  Her name is Pinkie Pie, and she's the outgoing, happy pony.  This then gave me another idea.

I sit behind a boy in orchestra. He always takes off his lanyard during rehearsal, because it vibrates against his instrument when he plays.  He puts his lanyard underneath his chair, and leaves it there the entire rehearsal. We have a ten minute break, and he always leaves the stage.  One day, I thought how funny it would be if he had an MLP sticker on the back of his name tag.  Then, I came up with my plan.

The next day at rehearsal, I brought a page of MLP stickers with me to rehearsal.  I hid them in my music folder.  During the break, I stayed on stage to "write in measure numbers".  I "conveniently" dropped my pencil.  While I was picking up my pencil, I sneakily stuck an MLP sticker on the back of the boy's name tag.  I then flipped it over so that he wouldn't see it when he sat back down.  I spent the rest of the rehearsal trying not to laugh about the sticker.  I felt so successful.

I figured he would see the sticker later that day, and take it off.  But the next day, it was still on his name tag.  I couldn't BELIEVE it!!!!  I didn't think that he had seen it and left it there, but I didn't see how he could not see it.  He kept it on his name tag for two days.

On the third day, I decided to do it again.  I put ANOTHER sticker on his name tag, right next to the other one.  I wanted to see what he thought of it.  I left the name tag with the stickered side up.  During a pause, when the conductor was talking to another section, I leaned forward, and asked the guy,

"Hey Lawson, are those My Little Pony stickers?"

He looks down, and almost yells, "HOW DID ANOTHER ONE GET ON THERE?!?!?!?!?"

I started laughing!  I just couldn't help it!  I tried to mask it as "I just find this very amusing" but inside, I was laughing my head off!

I then asked, "Where did you get those?"

He responded, "I think it's some guy in my cabin, because that's the only time that I take my lanyard off..."

Meanwhile, his lanyard is sitting there on the ground, where he leaves it every day during rehearsal...

He eventually took the stickers off, and he didn't take his lanyard off during rehearsal today. Maybe he suspects.  But that's ok, because I have a new plan. In addition to his name tag, he leaves his folder under his chair...



  1. Man alive, Hannie! This prank rivals Mark's prank with the Corson Bears! Just thinking about it makes me TOTALLY laugh! Good job!


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