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The Winter Dance

Johannah was invited to her high school's winter dance a couple of weeks ago.  By a boy.

Yes, it's finally happened, and I can't deny that John is very, very worried, seeing as he had a strict rule that Johannah wasn't allowed to date until she was 33.7 years old.

This wasn't a date, seeing as Johannah is still 15.  Just an invitation, but you better believe she took it.  And she couldn't have been happier.

It's cute to see the other side of the coin.  For the past few years, I've been living with the anxiety of the boys, wondering IF they should ask a girl to a dance, and WHOM they should ask to a dance.  Once they conquered that hurdle, it was just about the girl's dress color (for a matching tie) and a corsage.  The boys took care of the rest, and as I heard over and over, they are great dates.  They open doors, they carry conversation, they actually dance the night away, and basically treat the girls like the princesses they are.

So, having a girl is an entirely different animal.  Here are just a few of the questions raised:

  • will I be asked to a dance?
  • does any boy even like me?
  • what should I wear?
  • is he going to treat me nicely?
  • what should I do with my hair?
  • what shoes should I wear?
  • what will we talk about the entire evening?
Yeah.  I'm sure there are more worries and questions, but they aren't voiced.  However, I can look at Hannah at any given point, and when I see her glazed-over eyes, I know exactly what she is thinking.  Or, I should say, I know about whom she is thinking (like that grammar, kids?)

So, the dance was disappointingly postponed due to bad weather, and was rescheduled for last Friday, a day with no school.  It was the perfect "princess" day for Johannah.

She got her hair done, we went shopping for jewelry and shoes (we are still looking for just the right shoes to match the dress), and the piece de la resistance?  My mother "shopped" with Johannah online, and found the perfect dress for the dance.  Do you know how hard it is to find a formal gown that is modest?  One that is long enough, with no plunging neckline, and with sleeves?  I have never been so happy for a young member of the royal family who dresses modestly, and who is changing fashion aka Kate Middleton.  This dress is a direct knock-off of one of her dresses, and Johannah looked like a million dollars wearing it.  Thanks to my mom for helping her find it.

Anyway, my camera takes horrible indoor shots (or maybe it takes good ones, but I don't know how to get them), so I took Hannah outside (because my camera takes great outdoor shots).  It was raining.  And mid-30's.  And 30 mph winds.  It didn't matter.  I was getting some pictures.  She was a good sport, and thankfully she had about a pound of hairspray on her hair, so it didn't even move, and was still good for the dance.  Here are just a few I took:

Hannah had a wonderful evening with Ryan, and came home exhausted, but happy.  The funniest/saddest thing was to see her suffer from "post-princess depression" the next day.  Yes, Cinderella, the clock struck midnight, and the carriage turned back into a pumpkin.  However, I'm guessing this isn't the last time Johannah will be treated like a princess.


  1. What, I thought she went to the dance by herself, I'm gonna...just joking, his parents dropped them off and I picked them up and I think that is very appropriate for a 15 year old.


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