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Weight Loss...Again

I have resigned myself to the fact that I will struggle with my weight for the rest of my life.  It has always been a thorn in my side, and I don't see it going away as I age.

Since Ethan left on his mission, I have gained 40 pounds.  Yes, 40.  In my defense, I'm not angry with myself.  It's been a crazy (almost) two years, and I have had more health problems in that time than I have probably had in my entire life.

Wouldn't it figure that after I had done my weight loss study, and gotten my weight just where I wanted it, I would break my ankle?  I literally had three weeks to enjoy feelin' fine, and then BAM! Ankle broken, and sedentary life began.

It took almost a full year to recover from that.  I couldn't move, couldn't exercise.  Then, as soon as I recovered from that, my sinus problems returned.  Multiple courses of steroids led to 5 pounds here, and 10 pounds there.

I knew I had a problem when I actually had to go UP a size in clothing.  I've been the same size my entire adult life, but no more.  I went to put on my pants from the previous spring, and I couldn't get them on.  I knew something had to change.

I didn't believe I could lose the weight...again.  I hate dieting, and I love food.  In fact, John, Johannah and I really love food.  It doesn't matter if it's a salad, salmon, hamburgers, or bananas.  We love food.  Food is a huge part of our lives.  When we travel, food is part of the itinerary.  One of our favorite Friday-night activities?  Pizza and a movie.  The older I get, the more I like my creature comforts, and food is high on the list.

So, John offered anything to help me.  He's so supportive of me when all I can do is talk badly about myself.  I told him again that I didn't think I could do it...again.

And that's when the magic words were said:  I'll do it with you, Aris.

Yes, the three of us could all stand to lose some weight.  And we have decided to do it together.

John wants to lose 21 pounds, Hannah would like to lose 20, and me?  Well, I'd like to be back to where I was when Ethan left...40 pounds ago.  Hannah and I have set a smaller goal too--it seems easier that way, and it's fun to feel successful occasionally.  We leave for our cruise in 6 weeks, and we'd like to have 10 pounds off by then.  Small and steady, right?

We ordered NutriSystem.  That way, I don't feel the pressure to cook any food for anyone (Glo is happily living on taco meat and Ramen).  The food isn't great, but there's no thinking involved.  Just follow the program and have success.

Too, Johannah and I began exercising almost two weeks ago together.  I'm happy to report that we haven't missed a day yet!  I pick her up from school, and we head to the gym.  45-60 minutes later, we leave, sweaty messes.  I'm seriously so thankful that she inspires me to keep going.  Of course, I turn green with envy when she runs 3 miles on the treadmill, but you know.... life happens.

Today is Day 4.  We haven't cheated once on the diet.  I am so incredibly happy to have everyone else on board with me.  We can watch Glo eat her chocolate chaser after dinner and feel united in NOT eating with her.  We enjoy seeing what everyone else is eating for dinner that night, and does it taste good?  Let me have a bite, and I'll share with you.

Too, I've never had so much fruit and so many vegetables in the house.  If nothing else, we are definitely eating more healthy than before.  Yes, I miss my Trader Joe's Peppermint Joe-Joe's, and Hannah misses her hamburgers, and John?  well, he misses his 2 pounds of M&M's at work.  But as John constantly reminds us when we feel deprived--nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.


  1. You go girl... and boy and other girl!! Good for you guys! I know you can do it!

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