Despite this post being marked in April, I'm writing it in November. I was sitting across from Glo tonight at dinner, and she was recounting how she has such bad feelings about her college graduation. Maybe disappointed feelings would be a better description, and it made me realize that I hadn't written about it. Glo might suffer a bit from the disease I gave her: tending to focus on the one negative experience versus several good experiences. No joke, I can easily recount fights John and I have had while on vacation, but I frequently forget the surrounding good moments. And this, friends, is why it's beneficial to record our lives. Our memories will not be perfect, but writing things down when they happen produces a far more accurate account of how things were. So let me do the best I can in recounting how I remember the four days. Several of us were arriving at different times. Gordon was already there from Arizona, Hannah and I traveled...
A blog chronicling the adventures of the Kennedy Family