Christmas, 2018 wasn't going to be anything big or special. Mark and Allison were headed to Mexico with the Boss family, and we would be counting down the days until Glo left on her mission. Just a time to hunker down, play some games, and enjoy time together. "Tater" was all bathed and ready to go in his Christmas finery. However.... Glo had let me know that her boyfriend, Ethan, didn't have any Christmas plans. That his family doesn't even put up a tree, but instead his parents just put a few unwrapped gifts on the couch Christmas morning for each of their three kids. And Ethan had already received two of his gifts. Knowing how much happiness we Kennedys feel around Christmas, and knowing how much we do to celebrate, Glo and I came up with the idea of inviting him to our house for the holidays. There was a stipulation from Glo though--she can only take him in small doses, so she didn't want him staying for a super long time. She invited him,...
A blog chronicling the adventures of the Kennedy Family