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Grand Cayman, 2018

I can hardly even believe that it's been an entire year since we came back to Grand Cayman.  We used to come here two or three times a year, but with the Kennedy budget cuts, we have learned to be grateful for even being able to return at all.

It's too bad that we returned under the cloud of not knowing the status of John's job in Chelsea, because even though the sun was shining, it was pretty dark in our daily existence.  And in all honesty, I'm not sure I can come back and ever feel the unadulterated happiness that I always felt in Cayman before.


The diving was really terrific.  There was some crazy wind blowing onto the island for the first three days we were there which meant that the waves on the west side were high and strong.  In fact, when we went to breakfast at the Westin the first morning, the waves were CRASHING onto the shore.  And that night, the waves completely washed out the beach and came all the way up to the bungalows on the shore.  Lucky us though, because that meant we got to dive on the south side of the island which we have never done before.  The first time we ever dived with Mac several years ago, we went off the north side, and the south side is very similar.  Lots of high, coral pinnacles underwater, and tons of red coral.  It felt like we were actually diving in a completely different location from Cayman.

We saw so many great creatures too--a moray having a face-to-face run-in with a lion fish, the largest eagle ray I (or Lisa) have ever seen, several turtles, two top hats (!), a couple of stingrays in the sand. The list just goes on and on.  When we returned to the south side of the island the last day, it wasn't nearly as beautiful, and Mac should have placed bets on what I would say as soon as I surfaced...because the first thing out of my mouth was indeed "I miss the South side". ;-)

One of the fun moments was Glo arriving.  Due to bad planning on her part, she ended up coming a day later (and $600 more) than expected.  However, I was so incredibly happy to see her and to get a break from our troubles.  And no sooner had she stepped off the taxi (she's so excellent at getting around the world all on her own), then I asked her if she had her Sharpies with her, because Mac had a project for her.

Somehow (I seriously don't know how) Mac had roped me into decorating his retiring dive flag for a woman who had just completed her 300th dive.  Really, I don't know why he thought I would be able to do this, but I quickly agreed that Glo could do a bang up job.

And in true artist fashion, she pulled her bag of 50+ sharpies out of her backpack as soon as her feet hit our hotel room.

The two of us spent about two hours that night decorating the flag, and it turned out amazing.  Mac, who was just going to write a "300" on it was impressed (or I think he was--he's not exactly effusive), but Lisa was over the moon.  And when they presented it to the diver, she started crying.  And I've since seen it posted on Facebook and shared there too.  Pretty cool.

And without skipping a beat, Lisa batted her eyes at Glo and me and asked if we would decorate their new dive flag for them.

Which of course Glo did.  And she signed it in the corner.  And with great sentiment, knowing that she won't be returning to dive for at least 18 more months, she told them that she had to leave a piece of her on the boat.

These two seriously have a connection like no other.
Glo doesn't open up to many people, but she and Mac have something special <3
Too, Glo brought Mac his "sow-ahhhhhs".  I'm sure he can buy them somewhere on the island, but she's been bringing him them since she was twelve, so it's just a tradition now.  And it doesn't take long for them to open the bag and share a moment.

Too, I don't believe that Glo actually eats at college, because once she landed, everything was about food until we could get in the water.

Nachos at Stingers....

Corn Pops in the sun...

Breakfast at the Westin...

And fish tacos at The Sunshine Grill... (but no tacos pictured)

We ended up taking Mac and Lisa out to dinner at Hard Rock.  They are dear friends, and it feels like things never change between us.  Mac was happy to drink $50 in alcohol on our tab, and Lisa was in diet heaven with a full plate of ribs.

We actually love the ward that meets on Sunday on the island.  We've been there enough times now that they know us which is really sweet.  And John gets to speak Spanish which is always a plus. This particular Sunday was the Primary program, and despite only having ten children in the Primary, it was just darling.  And those kids can SING! Glo brought one of the dresses that I bought for her mission, and I just about melted when she was ready for church.  She's just so beautiful as a grown-up woman.  It makes me so happy for her, and yet so sad to see that she just isn't a baby anymore.  And I can see her as an Hermana already.  We just need to get that slit in the leg fixed ;-)

Like I said, the vacation just wasn't the same with the stress that is on John at the moment, but we did capture one fun picture before we stripped off our wet suits.  I wish this was how we were actually feeling, but maybe the photo can function as a goal for how we hope to feel again.


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