I absolutely loved our second rental home. We should have given it a name like "The House of Reclaimed Dreams" or something after our first house turned out to be such a literal HOT disappointment ;-). It was decorated so tastefully, even including a little crawl space/closet for Baby, complete with a tent opening and twinkle lights. But I loved most was the time I could spend here with the family, especially Baby.
There was a canvas swing in the backyard, and a bench swing on the front porch. And from that swing, Baby learned how to play "I Spy" with Poppie, and remembered to play it with me the next day.
I sat down and had breakfast with Baby, and I captured the moment of her eating her bagel.

On Wednesday, we set aside everything else, and Ethan and Rebecca and Poppie all went to the temple. With the Detroit temple closed for maintenance, Poppie has been feeling the need to go, and with the decision about a new job looming over Ethan and Rebecca's head, it was a prime opportunity to go. That left me with the babies. Don't think I wasn't worried about little three-month-old Brother being away from his mom for too long, but in what I know was a temple blessing, it slept the entire three hours he was away from her. And Baby was the best. We played hide and go seek and I Spy, we played with Playmobils. We did our hair and had whatever snacks we could scavenge up. It was just so fun to have some alone time with her.
Plus, the night before we left, we sat down at the kitchen table and played a good old game of Broom Service. It felt so good to stretch our game-playing muscles again, especially against Ethan and Rebecca!
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