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Wedding, 2018: Baby

Last night, Ethan and Rebecca Face Timed us (not an unusual occurrence), because Baby had asked them too.  I love that she frequently asks to call "Poppie" or "Lollie", not because she wants to talk to us, but because she wants to perform for us on the telephone.  And if her parents change the screen so that she can't see herself performing, she will stop whatever she is doing and correct their action.  We love every minute of it.  In fact, we watched her for a full 45 minutes last night, and we only stopped because it was bedtime.

During Christmas, we would be taken for a ride on "Baby Cam" where Baby would take their phones and show us different things around the house. She's actually very adept at figuring out how to position the camera on the phone so that we can see what she wants us to see.  The best part about Baby Cam though is watching her face bouncing around as she runs from one place to the other with the phone in her hand with the camera pointed towards her face.  Her favorite was showing us the lights on the Christmas tree.

Now that Christmas is over, it's all about showing us her sweet dance moves while a parent holds the phone.  She moves all around the house (although not out of range of the phone camera), shaking her little hips and kicking back her one foot.  The dance moves were originally choreographed to "Let it Go" or "Shake it Off", but during the last week, she's moved on to "Hakuna Matata" from the Lion King.  I've told Cheese that he needs to start processing three important words in his mind:  performing arts school.  All those famous people say the same thing:  they all loved to perform as kids.  Yep, Baby.  She's on her way.

Well, put Baby in a twirly yellow dress with sparkly white shoes for the wedding festivities, and she was in rare form :-). In fact, if she was unwilling to smile for the photographer, we didn't need to do much else besides start singing Shake It Off and she was camera-ready in seconds.  In fact, once out of Vinsetta Garage, we were trying to capture some pictures of her, but she wasn't having any of it except to showcase her sweet dance moves.

 This is our favorite dance move of hers at the moment (although it is quickly disappearing): she lifts her leg behind her, sticks out her tongue and reaches the opposite arm out. <3

Oh T-Swift!  How much happiness your angsty, teenage songs bring to Baby!

I'm not sure how it ever came about, but Baby ended up being the flower girl for the ring ceremony.  Don't think we weren't a little bit nervous about what was going to happen as she processed down the aisle!  She could have gotten all shy and refused to even do it, she could have cried seeing Rebecca leave her beforehand--in short, she could have been a hot mess.  Since we were short groomsmen anyway (thanks a lot, Elder Lovstedt), we decided that she could walk down with Glo.  Glo's got a tight handle on Baby, and Baby feels so secure with her.

Little did we know that we needn't have worried.  Baby already has the Kennedy performing gene:  when you're on, you're on, and the show must go on.  Although Glo was walking right next to her, she showed no clinginess or anxiety.  The only thing that I find hilarious is that she would NOT hold her flowers by the basket handle, but insisted on holding the flowers by the basket base ;-)

Of course, once she got up to the front, who knew what was going to happen.  John tried to go over and pick her up to come sit with us, but she wasn't having ANY of that.  So the next best thing?

See how demure both she and Rebecca look?  Little did we all know that Rebecca was feeding Baby M&M's from the oh-so-convenient pockets in her bridesmaid dress...!

And under the watchful eye of BOTH Rebecca and Glo, how could she possibly misbehave??

 And she needed no help leaving the ceremony!  What a big girl!

And after a long tiring day, she was on the edge of losing it throughout the entire reception.  In fact, I just gave in during dinner and let her watch Glo's phone, for fear of how she would act if anything else was required of her (who could blame her, I ask you?  I felt much the same way).  She wasn't allowed at the head table with her two most favorite people on earth (with her Daddy running a close third), so desperate measures were deployed.

However, once the dance party started, she had a new wind of energy and happiness, and stayed out on the dance floor until the party was over.

And in probably my favorite moment of the day, she wasn't too happy to see Allison and Mark leave. It could be that she was calling for them out of love...or it could have been out of desperation, seeing Greenie and Greenie's DVD players leaving without her before a long drive home.


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