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Happy Mother's Day: Post 4

This next one is going to be weird, because it's not a memory associated directly with mama. It is, however, something that I completely attribute to her.
Mark and me, after Mama's amazing planning!

I am a person who loves to have a plan. While that has manifested itself in my need to have goals and a vision for where I want my life to go, I often try to have some kind of schedule for myself. For example, when my mom worked it out so that Mark and I were on the same flight from Chicago to Traverse City after his mission, she went so far as to give me an alternate plan for him arriving in Traverse City, because she knew that I would want to know the plan not only for myself, but also for Mark. Sure enough, when I asked what his flight schedule looked like, she told me he was going through Minneapolis two hours after me, instead of going through Chicago like me. Tricky, tricky....#weboflies

This attribute completely comes from mama. I loved being able to ask her what the plan was whenever we went on vacation, and she always had an answer. Plus, her choices were always AMAZING. From the Skellig Islands to our month-long US trip, to a trip of a lifetime to Germany and Ireland, to Cayman Islands next week (!), our trips planned by mama never disappoint.

Something else completely inherited from mama? Making it work. Mama will move heaven and hell to make something she wants to happen happen, and pity the poor soul who gets in her way. From driving to Michigan at the drop of a hat to save Mark after all his stuff got stolen, to figuring out how to get her entire family up to Interlochen for one whole day in between Mark's and my mission, she gets stuff done. It's pretty incredible to see the lengths she will go to accomplish something when she puts her mind to it, and it almost always works out.

At no time was this more apparent than our trip to Germany and Ireland back in 2015. Mama had that trip down to the MINUTE in terms of when we were supposed to get where. We traveled to Ireland, then to Germany, drove to the opposite side of Germany, drove back, then drove down south in Irealnd for a castle dinner that night. It was incredible how mama had figured out how our flight times corresponded perfectly with the banquet, how she figured out how much time we would need in different parts of Germany and worked all of that out...I love that trip because of how amazing it was and the company I was in, and I'm so glad that my mom can make it work and is a time wizard that made all of it possible.

Happy Mother's Day mama1


  1. You know, one of my earliest memories involved spatial orientation. Chuck, my stepfather, was studying for some class, and he had a book that had pages and pages of spatial reasoning and shape recognition problems (look it up if you don't know what it is). I literally sat on our couch for hours, figuring out those problems. For some reason, my brain enjoys that kind of thing. I can only imagine that working out things with time is the same kind of idea. When I plan a trip like that, I can sit at the computer for hours...and I LOVE it. Thanks for appreciating that about me, Cheese <3


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