I was really happy when the only flight to Frankfurt-Hahn airport from Kerry Airport left on a Friday and returned on a Monday, because that meant we could visit our old ward in Bitburg! As much as the first three years of my life there with a living hell (I won't even deign to type the name of the person who tortured me so), I still believe that Bitburg ward was the best ward I have ever lived in, and it was all because of the people.
There's something really wonderful about a military ward; same with the military schools. Everyone understands that you don't have much time together, so no one wastes time getting to know each other. You just dive in and form friendships as quickly as you can, because either you will be leaving within a couple of years, or your friends will be leaving even sooner. Maybe that's the reason our dearest friends have come from that ward.

We walked in and it felt like nothing had changed. In fact, the only things that have changed are the lights in the chapel, and the bathrooms (thank goodness!). The people still seemed just as friendly and accepting as when we were there, and no joke, I could imagine so many of my friends serving in their old callings and appearing just around the corner. I wish I had a time machine and could go back to that happy time, and I wouldn't mind having my kids small again. And in a stroke of luck, it was ward conference, so the talks and lessons were really terrific. Visiting the ward and the building just made me homesick for living there again.
Ethan texted me and asked if the pews were the same as they used to be: "the thin brown pads with the yellow netting underneath." Yep, Cheese, nothing has changed <3
Thinking of the wonderful times we had in Bitburg Ward always makes me smile. I'm glad you got to go back!