Today in the car, our family was talking about how much we like to eat. We did this in contrast, of course, to those people who don't. It's a struggle for us, because we also don't like how much we weigh (and sometimes look), but we like how all those skinny, non-eating people look.
We finally came to the conclusion that eating delicious food makes us happy, and looking at all those skinny people, we realized that the majority of them (not all of them, but the majority) don't seem very happy. Of course, we don't ever want to move into the obesity realm, but if we can keep exercising and being aware of what we
do eat, we'd like to keep enjoying the simple pleasure of food.
My birthday kind of came and went without much fanfare, because we were traveling on the actual day. And when I mean traveling, we were driving four hours from our home to Newark airport, then taking a five hour flight to Shannon, Ireland, eating breakfast in an Irish hotel and taking a quick two hour nap (and showering) before driving another two hours to Kerry, Ireland to catch a flight to Frankfurt-Hahn airport, where after landing, we then drove an hour to our hotel in Trier. Yep, an entire 24 hours of traveling without a birthday cake. But my good husband knows how much birthdays mean to me so he was determined to make it up to me. And make it up, he DID! Want to take a guess how?
Yep. FOOD!
Over the next 48 hours, we took advantage of every delicious morsel Germany could offer us, eating both street food (from a kebap house) and gourmet food (from one of the finest restaurants in Trier--TWICE!). We may not be as skinny as other people, and we may shave a year or two off of our lives, but goodness, we sure are happy!
Spaghetti Eis. It's ice cream made to look like spaghetti, topped with white chocolate. It's got to be John's favorite food in all of Germany. He never skimps either--it's "JUMBO" size each time. Of course, when our kids were little, there were plenty of leftovers for him. Not this time though! :-) |
Another favorite of John's--Doener Kebaps! I do love them too, although I don't believe I'll ever finish an entire one. Of course, John doesn't mind :-) |
One of the best pictures of the trip. Doener cuties <3 |
Look at my handsome man! I actually bought him "travel church clothes" after spending one too many Sundays traveling, where he looks rather ridiculous. In fact, John asked me to pack his suitcase this time, and we all agree--he has looked so handsome! |
Glo didn't even remember what schnitzel was--I know, can you believe it?--and she was hesitant to order it. However, after tasting it the first night, she didn't even hesitate to order our last night also. And thankfully, she couldn't finish it all (yes, she's one of those skinny people), so I got to savor the schnitzel too! |
A visit to the Backerei. I must admit that I didn't frequent the German bakeries much when we lived in Germany...but Mark DID! Almost every day on the way home from school, in fact. And he was so happy to stop at that exact same bakery again and get his favorite: Schokobroetchen! |
My absolute favorite item on any German menu: Pfeffersteak. I do believe I could eat this every day for the rest of my life. And thankfully, my genetics give me naturally low cholesterol, so why not? |
The good old German pizzas. They all taste the same (delicious), but this one was so big that it hung OFF THE TABLE! |
My second favorite item on any German (Italian) restaurant menu: tortellini gorgonzola. When we used to eat at Roma's in Speicher, I would order it every single time. It tasted like MEMORIES as I downed the delicious cheese tortellini, doused in gorgonzola sauce. And don't worry--I ordered it as an appetizer so everyone was helping me finish it off. Hmmmm, and what a surprise that after the first bite, everyone came back for seconds. And thirds. And fourths. :-) |
What a great way to celebrate turning 47!
Good food makes life better and it looks like you had some GREAT food in Deutschland!