The weather forecast says that we have five full days of rain over the time we are in Ireland. This isn't anything unexpected or abnormal. It just means that we have to plan our days around any break in the clouds. So, when I was checking the weather last night (Monday), I noticed that tomorrow (Tuesday) was the only day showing a party sunny icon for Blarney, and since we wanted to visit Blarney castle, I convinced everyone to get up early yet again so that we could make a visit. I've been to Blarney Castle three times now. The first time was when the kids were young, and I remembered that I hated it. Not knowing anything, I had pictured the Blarney Stone being some large boulder perched precariously on the edge of the ocean. I thought people would walk up to the boulder and kiss it, so when I discovered it was something completely different, I think I was disappointed. Too, I remember everyone in the family being incredibly tired (read whi...
A blog chronicling the adventures of the Kennedy Family