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Rebecca's and my third anniversary

Both Rebecca and I feel like we have been in each other's lives for forever, which I think is how marriage is supposed to go. We can't imagine what life would be like without the other now, which makes for a pretty happy marriage if I do say so myself. Yesterday, however, was three years of marriage for the two of us and four years to the day since we met, so it was nice to reflect on our relationship.

Our anniversary is weird, partly because it's halfway between Christmas and New Years. This means that we have usually just given a fair amount of gifts to each other three days before for Christmas, so it feels rather superfluous to get each other more gifts. We are also always with our families on our anniversary and we only have much time with them, so it doesn't make sense for us to use that time to go do things by ourselves. The last three years we have gone out to dinner and a movie, and we are pretty content with that. That being said, yesterday was pretty fun because we did some of the same things that we did on our first date/wedding day.

I went running yesterday morning, and Eminem's "Not Afraid" came on about halfway through. I have some strong connections to that song. Besides the fact that Eminem is from Dee-troit and has that Michigan pride, this also happens to be the song I listened to as I drove to the temple the morning we got married. I was in the car with Taylor Hooker, my best friend from my mission and one of my best friends ever, and for whatever reason I started to get that anxious feeling in my stomach as we got closer to the temple. It had nothing to do with insecurities about getting married. I knew 100% that I wanted to marry Rebecca and that was going to happen no matter what. It was more an anxious feel that I had before the marathon or another race. This is a significant moment and I don't want to mess it up. The temple is such a spiritual experience, I was marrying my best friend, and there was a lot planned for the day, and I wanted to make it a good experience. A couple times before this I had listened to the song to pump myself up and it calmed me down, so, on my way to one of the most spiritual experiences ever, I blasted Eminem in the car right up into the parking lot. And guess what? It totally worked. I didn't feel nervous or anxious the rest of the day and it was a great experience. It was a fun memory about just Taylor and me and Eminem that resonated on my anniversary.

Rebecca and I also went and played volleyball with some of her high school friends and ward friends yesterday morning in the same gym where we held our reception. Looking back, it was amazing what Rebecca's family and friends were able to create out of that gym. It's a typical LDS gym, with basketball hoops, weird dividers, and isn't huge, but it was beautiful the night of our wedding. My favorite part (and the part I helped with the most), was a fake ceiling out of plastic garbage bag material, stapled to the walls and draped over a wire that hung in the middle. We measured everything out EXACTLY, and it looked great by the end. The gym was completely transformed for the reception, and to be back in it for our anniversary was also a fun memory.

Then, last night we headed out to dinner. Not just anywhere, but to Schmankerl Stube in Hagerstown, MD, where we went to lunch after our sealing in the temple. That place is LEGIT German food. The owner is from München (not from Germany, but from Bayern!) and man, his food tastes like it! The Spätzle is just as good as I remember, and the food I got tasted straight out my my memories of Germany. Additionally, I thought this was one of the most fun parts of our wedding day. Rebecca and I sat with the Kendalls, my family's home teachers, on our wedding day and had a great conversation with them. The dinner last night evoked a lot of those same feelings and I'm really glad that experience worked out.

Finally, we went to a movie for the rest of our date last night. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. It felt so much like the first date Rebecca and I went on. I remember showing up at the Altoona mall four years ago, waiting outside for a girl who I didn't know and didn't know what she looked like. I was holding yellow tulips for her (which I had found out was her favorite color), in my blue pea coat and jeans. People definitely gave me some strange looks because of the flowers, until up walked this girl in a purple pea coat, Princess Leia boots (RIP Carrie Fisher), and a bright smile. I remember being SO happy to be on this blind date! We went to a movie somewhat similar to Fantastic Beasts (The Hobbit) and I had a great time. Rebecca was so easy to talk to and that continues to today. She's my best friend and I trust her with everything, even the parts of me that don't give off as good an impression as I tried to on that first date. :-)

I am so grateful I met my best friend, with whom I get to go on the grand adventure called life. Last night we talked about goals for the upcoming year, what we can improve and how we can move forward with our little family, including the most darling baby ever! Even after only three years, we've already had quite a few adventures, and 2017 is likely to bring a few more. I can't wait to experience them, just so long as I get to have Rebecca right there with me.

Happy anniversary babe, I love you!


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