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Jung Ho Pak

I know I've written about Jung Ho Pak before, but his influence continues to be felt in the lives of the Kennedys musicians, so, in the words of Mario, here we go again!

Jung Ho Pak was the conductor of WYSO at Interlochen for many years.  Both Hannie and Mark played under his baton.  I won't replay too much of our memories with him, because those are recorded in posts of the past.

Last night, Glo was whistling the Olympic Fanfare theme, composed by John Williams. It's the brass chorale that is played on NBC anytime they cut to, or cut away from the telecast.  It's famous.  Hearing Glo whistle that reminded me that Johannah had played the entire theme under the direction of Jung Ho.  And thinking of the Rio Olympics which will be held in just days, I realized that she must have played it four years ago, almost to the day.

So, in true Larisa fashion, having learned from my G-Mother to always be thankful, I looked up Mr. Pak's email address and shot him an email.  Yes, yes, I did.  And here's what it said:

Hello Mr. Pak (or as my three children all call you when they speak of you, Jung Ho), 
Two of my children played under your baton for several summers at Interlochen.  Despite studying their instruments in college and working under various conductors, you remain the most influential conductor from their lives in music. 
Today, my youngest was whistling the Olympic Fanfare, and I remembered that my daughter had played it with you in WYSO.  I guessed it was four years ago.  When I texted her about it, asking her, this was her response: 
"It was the summer after my sophomore year.  We played it for Collage, and the moment that I looked up at Jung Ho and he was grinning from ear to ear is one of my happiest memories from Interlochen. I couldn't help but smile. :-)" 
I didn't see you this summer at Interlochen, but I was only there for three weeks.  You have influenced so many for good.  Thank you for all you do. 
Larisa Kennedy
Well, I didn't really expect a response, especially since his email is (yep, that's for real), but he answered with 30 minutes.  And here's what he said:

Dear Larisa (you'll notice that he spelled my name correctly...only the best do) thanks so much for the very kind email. 
It is my honor to inspire students to the joy of playing music.  I don't think of myself as a conductor, but rather an instigator for changing the paradigm for what it means to be a musician.  Specifically, it's important to be a caring and passionate human being first, then a "musician".  We must teach our students not to be anonymous, but rather stars in those seats. 
So happy that I made that difference with your children.  Please give them my best regards.

And with that, we are reminded again why he meant so much to all of us.


  1. OHMYGOSH, it has been like six years (right?) since I last saw him or heard him talk, and yet when I read that response, I can TOTALLY hear his voice and say it just like he would say it!!! And honestly, hearing hannah talk about him, it just brings back the most beautiful memories. Thanks for this Mama(:

  2. Aww. He is so wonderful. He always talked about how he didn't deserve the title of Maestro, because he felt he was always learning from the musicians. That's so sweet that he wrote back!


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