In the recent "Batman versus Superman" movie, Lex Luthor says something that really gets me thinking. He says "If God is all-good, then He cannot be all-powerful. And if He is all-powerful, then He cannot be all-good." What Lex Luthor doesn't understand, is that God can be good and powerful. Lex thinks that if God were all-powerful, He wouldn't let bad things happen to anyone, but He does, so He cannot be all-good. He is, of course, referring to Superman, but I'm understanding this as our God. God may sometimes be angry or sad, but it is justified. He never uses His power to wreak havoc just because He feels like it.

Not a whole lot is known about Lex Luthor's backstory. The only clue we get as to his feud with Superman is the story about them being friends as children, but Superman accidentally using his powers in a way he thought was helpful that was actually harmful to Lex. But in Jesse Eisenberg's portrayal of Luthor, we sense a sadness and bitterness towards his past. We learn a little of his father from the scene in his father's office. It leads us to wonder what exactly happened in his past. Maybe he was abused, or maybe his parents never showed him any love. Maybe he experienced many trials throughout his life. It is this life of trials that can lead one to ask how God can be all-good and all-powerful at the same time. It is my belief that God cannot be all-good without being all-powerful at the same time. God gives us trials(uses His power) to help us grow and develop into stronger people. He uses His power for good even when it may seem like a punishment for us. We hope that God will grant our every wish and whim, but how would we grow if we were never tested? In the testing center on campus, there is a quote. I can't remember it exactly, but it's something like "You should feel grateful to be taking a test, because it means you are worth being tested." That's a very rough idea of the actual quote, but the point is, God gives us trials because He feels we can be better, and He knows that we have the strength to get through the trials He gives us. We cannot see trials as punishment, because God does not use His power unjustly. He uses His power to help us become better people. He is all-good, and all-powerful, but we can sometimes lose sight of that. We can be like Lex Luthor, who held on to his anger and grudge for his entire life, eventually letting it consume his every thought, or we can take the trials we have been given, and use them as a primer to start a new and improved us. I don't articulate my thoughts very well, and this has been a little ramble-y, but hopefully you kind of get what I'm trying to say. DC Comics are better than Marvel. Let's just go with that :)

Not a whole lot is known about Lex Luthor's backstory. The only clue we get as to his feud with Superman is the story about them being friends as children, but Superman accidentally using his powers in a way he thought was helpful that was actually harmful to Lex. But in Jesse Eisenberg's portrayal of Luthor, we sense a sadness and bitterness towards his past. We learn a little of his father from the scene in his father's office. It leads us to wonder what exactly happened in his past. Maybe he was abused, or maybe his parents never showed him any love. Maybe he experienced many trials throughout his life. It is this life of trials that can lead one to ask how God can be all-good and all-powerful at the same time. It is my belief that God cannot be all-good without being all-powerful at the same time. God gives us trials(uses His power) to help us grow and develop into stronger people. He uses His power for good even when it may seem like a punishment for us. We hope that God will grant our every wish and whim, but how would we grow if we were never tested? In the testing center on campus, there is a quote. I can't remember it exactly, but it's something like "You should feel grateful to be taking a test, because it means you are worth being tested." That's a very rough idea of the actual quote, but the point is, God gives us trials because He feels we can be better, and He knows that we have the strength to get through the trials He gives us. We cannot see trials as punishment, because God does not use His power unjustly. He uses His power to help us become better people. He is all-good, and all-powerful, but we can sometimes lose sight of that. We can be like Lex Luthor, who held on to his anger and grudge for his entire life, eventually letting it consume his every thought, or we can take the trials we have been given, and use them as a primer to start a new and improved us. I don't articulate my thoughts very well, and this has been a little ramble-y, but hopefully you kind of get what I'm trying to say. DC Comics are better than Marvel. Let's just go with that :)
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