This past week, I was working a lot of hours early in the week, because the more I work in the beginning of the week, the earlier I finish on Fridays. This past Friday, I only had to work two hours, so I was finished at 11:00 am. I had to go to Orem to get my broken phone screen replaced, and I had to buy a new watch battery because mine had died, and I had plans to go to the temple with Whit at 1:00 pm. I got everything done, and managed to schedule an appointment to get my car's oil changed the next day. Basically, I was winning at adult-ing :)
Whit and I decided to go the Provo Temple this time, so I would have experience in both temples. As we went into the dressing room, this cute old lady came up to us and asked if we wanted to do initiatories, because there was no line. Apparently, there's normally a long line for initiatories, so it was nice that we wouldn't have to wait in line. Unfortunately, I didn't have my family names with me because I wasn't planning on doing initiatories, so they'll be for next time. Turns out, we were allowed to do ten names instead of the regular five. As we went up to the desk to write our names down, we also got to pick the names we wanted. I saw a pink slip with foreign names on them. I knew they were from Northern Europe region, and it turns out they were from the Netherlands. Their names were Neeltje van Elswijk and Pieterje Haak. The women assisting with my initiatories were very intimidated by these names, and who wouldn't be when you're seeing "Js" everywhere? Their names were probably butchered, but it got me to thinking about Heavenly Father.
Foreign names can often be hard in the temple, which is why they are sometimes spelled instead of said completely. However, Heavenly Father doesn't care how badly we say their names, because He knows who these people are. He knows them as His children, and He knows their spirits. He knows who I am, and He knows my spirit. We are children of God, and He loves us. I love the second verse of the Primary song, "My Heavenly Father Loves Me."
Whit and I decided to go the Provo Temple this time, so I would have experience in both temples. As we went into the dressing room, this cute old lady came up to us and asked if we wanted to do initiatories, because there was no line. Apparently, there's normally a long line for initiatories, so it was nice that we wouldn't have to wait in line. Unfortunately, I didn't have my family names with me because I wasn't planning on doing initiatories, so they'll be for next time. Turns out, we were allowed to do ten names instead of the regular five. As we went up to the desk to write our names down, we also got to pick the names we wanted. I saw a pink slip with foreign names on them. I knew they were from Northern Europe region, and it turns out they were from the Netherlands. Their names were Neeltje van Elswijk and Pieterje Haak. The women assisting with my initiatories were very intimidated by these names, and who wouldn't be when you're seeing "Js" everywhere? Their names were probably butchered, but it got me to thinking about Heavenly Father.
Foreign names can often be hard in the temple, which is why they are sometimes spelled instead of said completely. However, Heavenly Father doesn't care how badly we say their names, because He knows who these people are. He knows them as His children, and He knows their spirits. He knows who I am, and He knows my spirit. We are children of God, and He loves us. I love the second verse of the Primary song, "My Heavenly Father Loves Me."
He gave me my eyes that I might see
The color of butterfly wings.
He gave me my ears that I might hear
The magical sound of things.
He gave me my life, my mind, my heart:
I thank him rev'rently
For all his creations, of which I'm a part.
Yes, I know Heav'nly Father loves me.
Heavenly Father gave me my life, my mind, and my heart. I am unique. No father or mother could ever forget their child, and I know that Heavenly Father will never forget me. Despite the billions of people on this earth, God knows me. Knowing that we are children of God can be very empowering. Because of this knowledge, I know that God is watching over me, just like my mom and dad watch over and support me. They love me, despite my many flaws, and so does Heavenly Father. It is because of my flaws and my sins that He gave the world a Savior, to bring about the Atonement and the opportunity to repent and be cleansed of our sins. I'm also so grateful that God gave us families so we could understand His love for us. I know my Heavenly Father loves me, and I am so grateful for the knowledge that I am His child. I am so grateful for the family He gave me, because through them, I see His love for me.
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