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Graduation Day!

Please tell me this isn't happening.  One more child done with high school?  This just can't be.  If the proverbial brick would work, I would put it on their heads!

For the first time, I was actually excited for graduation weekend.  I had just about the most perfect gift to give Hannie, and it was hard to wait for the day.

Earlier in the week, Johannah was one of about 100 kids invited to the Senior Awards ceremony.  Sometimes the kids know what award they are getting, some don't.  Hannah didn't think much of the invitation (thinking that it might just be certificates for PMEA), but her choir director, Mr. Drafall, approached her and encouraged her to go, because as he said, there might be a check involved (channel the Grinch here).  Uh yeah, nothing will get the Kennedys to do more than free money, am I right?

Turns out, she won the James T. Langston award given to a senior for a superior GPA and plans to earn a degree in music from an accredited four-year college.  Nice, right?  So was the $100 check!

Being Johannah, she was thinking ahead, and knowing that her graduation gown was white (and almost see-through), we had bought her a white dress to wear.  She looked so beautiful (but when doesn't she look that way?).  Too, her friend, Ruthie, had helped her the night before decorate her cap.  We all agreed that Hannah's cap looked amazing!

We woke up.  Actually, Hannah woke up earlier, because the call time was super early.  Yep, when there are 600+ kids graduating, the school wants to ensure that there is a very large time buffer.  She drove herself, and we followed an hour later.

Another first.  The graduation speaker was a former State High alum who was retired Navy.  Boy, he gave one of those really great talks, offering terrific advice to the kids.  In fact, John and I both asked if he could possibly be a member of our church :-)  Then, we sat there for almost two hours while all 600+ kids proceeded to the stage.  I felt true happiness for Hannah, knowing that high school hasn't been a favorite experience of her young life.  This symbolized moving on, and moving OUT!

Walking into the ceremony.  

With diploma in hand.
Yep, I'm in complete denial.  This can NOT be happening!

I had pshawed when I had made lunch reservations, and the woman had suggested a time of 2 p.m. (with the graduation ceremony beginning at 11:30).  However, she was on the mark, seeing as we exited Pegula Ice Arena at 1:45.  Hannie had wanted to try Gigi's, a darling luncheon restaurant that John and I frequent on our lunch dates.  It was perfect, because we beat the rush, and because there were no crowds as there had been at Applebee's and Olive Garden for her brothers.  In fact, we had the whole restaurant to ourselves!  Hannah went in, still wearing her graduation robes and hat, and we brought the gifts.  She ordered duck, one of her favorite proteins, and I basically begged her to open her gifts immediately.

The first gift was not much of a surprise.  A new MacBook Pro.  The standard Kennedy graduation gift.

The second gifts?  Oh my gosh, John and I couldn't wait for her to open them.

A couple of weeks ago, I was getting my hair done, and I noticed the most darling painting on the walls of several different dogs.  The owner of the salon frequently brings his dogs in, so I recognized them in the paintings and thought they were great representations!  When I asked around, I found out that the owner's daughter has a business, painting animals.  Oh my gosh, could I have found anything better for our kooky animal-loving family?  Nope.

When Hannah opened her gifts, she was in complete disbelief.  I mean the smiles!  John was grinning from ear to ear; I was too.  And Hannah?  Her jaw really did drop to the floor :-)

Her beloved cats, Hoot and Range, immortalized in paint.  Too, we kept to the color scheme of her bedroom:  blue and purple.  Her reaction was just perfect for these perfect gifts.

We finished up lunch, and headed out to take pictures.  We didn't spend more than 15 minutes taking them, but they are some of the best I've seen.  I believe Hannah would have jumped for joy in graduating, picture or not :-)

Check out the hat!

I was reminded once again that Hannah is John's favorite child.  It's a well-known fact.  He'll do just about anything for her.  And that's how the rest of the day went.

Sweet Frog's ice cream for dessert, and Maleficent for a movie.

As a mother, I was extremely grateful to the people who remembered Hannie for her graduation.  She's not as "well known" as my boys to a lot of people, so I wasn't sure there would be much of a response.  However, the few people that sent her things really thought about her and shared some good ol' lovin'.

She's excited to move on to college.  In fact, just days later she registered for classes at BYU.  Too, before we left for Interlochen, we finished off a quilt that we had started making years ago.  I can hardly believe my darling girl is moving on.

Good job, Hannie, on being an amazing human being.  We can't wait to see all that your future holds.

It only took 50 pictures, or so, to get this perfect one :-)


  1. Congratulations Hannah! We are so excited for you and all the wonderful things that you are setting off to do. xoxo The Morans

  2. I just typed up something and it disappeared, never to be found again. Bah! Anyway, great pictures of all of you and wishing Hannah lots of wonderful things for the future!


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