You know those quizzes that ask you your three best traits? Today I'm answering the non-existent quiz that asks me for my three worst. 1. I'm insecure in regards to relationships. 2. I have a constant voice in my head, telling me that I am worthless. 3. It is almost impossible for me to forgive people who have hurt me. No joke, consciously or not, I have had these feelings much of my life, and certainly for my entire adult life. My heart goes out to my family, but especially to John. He is such a support to me, helping me through the times when I don't think there's much reason for my existence on this earth. I credit these feelings to not really having any feeling of belonging to a family, and to my own choices. In other words, I blame others, but I also blame myself. My family life in a nutshell. My parents divorced when I was three, and when my mother remarried (when I was six), my father relinquished all rights to me. From what my pa...
A blog chronicling the adventures of the Kennedy Family