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Surgery Day...Again

If you are a man, I would suggest you skip this post altogether (with the exception of John and David).  I'm going to share far more information than I would ever share, because I know there are people out there who might find this rather fascinating.

I don't like talking about female physiology.  I especially don't like hearing birth stories.  While I nursed all four of my babies for a year each, I'm not an advocate of nursing in public.  I have never offered sympathy to girls or women who use a "monthly" excuse to get out of doing anything.  Men aren't talking about their hormones at cocktail parties, and I don't believe women should either.

With that in mind, I had a surgery this past Monday that has been years in coming.

I had a vaginal hysterectomy.

Goo, I know.  I hate even typing the "v" word into my blog.  However, I have told myself that this blog is a forum to record everything in my life.  And there it is.

I know there are women out there who would love to discuss this with me.  Why did I have it?  What symptoms led to it?  How do I feel now?  It is for this reason that I didn't even tell anyone that it was happening.  I didn't want to have those conversations.

I don't understand this fascination.  As I recently told a friend, I look at female issues in the same way as going to the dentist.  You have a problem, you go to the doctor and get it taken care of, you go home and heal, and you move on.  Most people don't talk about their cavities or their root canals.  Why talk about dilation and pushing?

John had been trying to convince me to have a hysterectomy for the past five years.  I had an adenomyotic uterus that was enlarged, and my periods were lasting up to 10 days.  While I never had PMS as a teenager or young adult, the symptoms had been overwhelming since I turned 35.  Migraines, breast tenderness, pain (and more pain).  In one month period of time, I think I would be symptom free for maybe three days.  I was miserable.

So, here I have a husband who can perform a vaginal hysterectomy in under 30 minutes and who has had great success with it, but I put it off.  Why?

I was sad to lose the thought of ever being able to have any more kids.  Isn't that crazy?

Here I am, 43 years old now.  In the past six years, I've had two back surgeries, two ankle surgeries, two sinus surgeries, and my allergies have been off the charts.  John and I "tried" several times to have more kids, but never with any success.  The chance of me having a child with Down Syndrome now?  1: 15.  Really...another baby?  I don't think so.

And yet, I knew that if I had the hysterectomy, it would be the end of all hope for more kids, and for some reason, that was hard for me to handle.  This week, the girls are gone to camp, and it's just John and me in this big old house.  There's something very scary about that for me.

Knowing that I was heading to Interlochen in just two weeks, I called up John at work.  I couldn't handle the thought of another summer, working in a non-airconditioned hut for eight hours a day, in a uniform, with all the mess that comes with being a woman.  I was done.

Five days later, I was headed to the hospital at 5:30 a.m. for my surgery.  (There is a definite advantage here to having an OB/Gyn husband...)

And I couldn't be happier that I had it.

Seriously, I can't believe that I waited so long and suffered so miserably.

My surgery was scheduled for 7:30, I was in post-op recovery by 9:00, and I was walking out of the hospital by 8:00 that evening.

I was off all pain meds by noon the next day.

My memory is non-existent from the first day thanks to Versed, although when John or the girls remind me of something, it comes back to me.  Too, I'm a bit foggy in the brain still from the anesthesia (or as they say here in PA, the anesTEEsia).  But oh my goodness, do I ever feel better?!  There's been no bleeding, no pain, and no crazy symptoms!

The lovliest thing about it all?  I've started running again (at least, I had before my surgery).  While I'm under strict orders to not take up running for a month (and with my doctor LIVING with me, I can't really break that rule), I can hardly wait to get back out and run without all the worry.  No pads, no tampons, no aching, bouncing boobs.  Yeah, baby, let's get real here!

So while I don't encourage anyone to have surgery if you don't need it, I do believe that if you are suffering, you should find a doctor who will help you take care of it.

And a shameless plug?  Altoona OB/Gyn does a bang-up job!


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