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How Do You Recharge Your Batteries?

On more than one occasion, some car in our family has needed a jump.  Either a light has been left on overnight in the car, or the headlights were left burning all day, or the radio was hosting a dance party in a parking lot, and the engine wasn't running.  It's always amazing to me (and a bit unnerving) to hook up the jumper cables between two cars and see a car that was just moments before dead, come to life!  The battery from the dead car takes power from the live car and is ready to roll again.

When you are feeling stressed, or overwhelmed, and your life fits the proverbial description "burning the candle at both ends", what do you do to recharge?  What is the source of your power?

In my naivete of the human condition, I assumed everyone needed the same thing I need, but I have come to understand that is not the case.  Every person has their own way of unwinding, and if you haven't found what you can do yet to recharge your batteries, I recommend you start looking.  It will help you feel much better about life.

John needs people.  In fact, the thing that stresses him out the most is being alone.  If he can attend a party, or go to dinner at someone's home, or just talk on the phone, the stress melts away.  In fact, you might have been the recipient of one of his phone calls on his drive on the way home--it helps him to be around people.

Mark needs music.  During his auditions for music schools, he could frequently be found listening to the lastest hip hop/dubstep song on his iPhone while dancing at the same time.  Quite a contrast to the other auditionees waiting in the hall for their auditions!  I knew it was a blessing from Heavenly Father when Mark was given permission to play his horn for 30 minutes each night before he went to bed.  His days were good before, but now they couldn't be better.

Glo needs naps.  In fact, she's never really stopped taking naps.  She loves to curl up under a blanket, by the fire, and take a nap after school.  She wakes up, ready to finish out the day.

I need quiet.  I'm not talking about just being away from stressful social situations.  I'm talking dead silence.  In fact, one of my favorite parts of the day is after John has left for work, and the kids have left for school, and I'm alone in the house.  I can hear myself think, and I love it!  I feel like I can process all that has happened, and all that I need to do, and I'm set for what the world has to give me.

How do you recharge your batteries?


  1. Definitely quiet! We're on a little trip this week and as much as I love the time we're spending together I could really use some time to myself to just enjoy the quiet. Oh, and I love to take naps as well and would take one every day if I could.

  2. Getting lost in a good book!

  3. I would definitely agree with Sister McGruder on the good book thing, I think that one is really great. One that I think a lot of us wouldn't be proud to admit is food. I think when I'm having a bad day or there is something that is really stressful, it is always super helpful to have something like Dairy Queen or Swedish fish to make me happy. :-)

  4. I have several ways to unwind, and love all of them. I take naps too. Sometimes I go for a walk. I also love hot bubble baths. And when all else fails chocolate makes everything better.

  5. This post really got me thinking about what recharges me most. There are many things that I love: spending time with close friends, hanging out with Brian, reading. But I finally realized that more than anything, what I turn to when I'm anxious, sad, stressed (or even happy!) is working out. What I do depends on what phase of life I'm in. Right now, since I still consider myself "postpartum" even though Teddy is almost 14 months old, I do yoga and walking. When I'm more fit a tough class or a brisk run (if my knee is up to it) fits the bill.


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