This past week, Johannah attended the PMEA All-State Festival for Chorus. It's been a rigorous past couple of months for her, qualifying for Districts, and then earning top honors at both Districts and Regionals. She's had to learn a LOT of music and has done really, really well. The crazy thing? She came down with the flu at both Regionals and All-States. Not only is it strange that she got sick at both festivals, but it's strange that she got sick at all. Hannie is NEVER sick (much to her chagrin for the fact that she doesn't get sick days from school). She has some chronic health issues that she manages like a champ, but colds and flus? Never! Glo and I drove up to Erie, PA the night before and stayed in a hotel. It was a four hour drive, and with the concert starting at 11 a.m. on Saturday morning, it felt better to drive up early. The concert was held in a historic theatre in downtown Erie. Much to our surprise, this is wh...
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