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The TOOTH that Broke the Camel's Back

1.  Take an already busy doctor and install an EMR (Electronic Medical Record) in his office.  Kiss him goodnight at midnight as he begins to "preload" charts for future visits.

2.  Host a general authority of the church for our stake conference this weekend.  Receive a long "to do" list of jobs just five days before the conference.

3.  Feel stress because John is stressed.  Try to do his jobs around the house so that he doesn't have to worry about them.

4.  Have 16 puppies.

5.  Decide to build outside area for puppies.  Borrow backhoe from neighbor.  Watch John work long past the setting sun, and wake up before anyone else to dig.

6.  Use our own tractor to move the dirt.  Watch bucket malfunction, cut the fuel line and destroy the fuel pump.  Try to catch the leaking diesel fuel in a bucket.

7.  Catch cold last weekend.  Dread colds like a hemophiliac dreads a small cut.  Nurse fever, congestion and sore throat for six days.

8.  Visit allergist yesterday and insist that I do not have a sinus infection and I do not need to go on Augmentin again.

9.  Wake up this morning with nauseating pain in my left sinus.  I can hardly move.  Blow _______ out my nose.  Take the Augmentin.

10.  Try to mow the lawn before it rains for the 33rd day in a row.  Feel nauseous on the tractor because of the meds, and wince in pain anytime I hit a bump.

11.  Get off the tractor to lay down for a minute and remember sciatica.  Begin crying in the yard because of the radiculopathy in my leg.

12.  Take some Tylenol.  Finish mowing yard through the pain.  Beg kids to help, and thankfully they are troopers.

13.  John wants to go out to dinner because he's sick of the food from his diet study.  We all feel like crap and look like crap, but we go.  We love John.

14.  While biting into a most delicious Texas Roadhouse roll, feel something hard in my mouth.  In uncharacteristic fashion, I pull it out of my mouth (instead of swallowing it), and discover it's a tooth.

15.  Freak out because I worry whose tooth it could be.  As I show the family, I discover that it's mine.  My fake tooth.

16.  Spend the next ten minutes trying to get my family to stop laughing at me, but seeing them laugh makes me laugh, and they laugh some more.

16.  Redneck status achieved.


  1. That is awesome! I will never complain about my little kids again! It can only get better, right!?

  2. Oh Larisa! Can I come to your house and let you sit and rest while I work for a little while? I don't know how you keep going sometimes. Also, I love that picture of you!

  3. Larisa, it just blows my mind how you still find the capability to encourage others while you're so busy yourself! You AMAZE me with your amazingness! Love you.

  4. How on earth do you do it all? As Anna said, you are amazing!

  5. Ok that is WAY too much for any one person to handle, but I must admit the tooth photo made me laugh! :)

  6. What is amazing and funny and sad is that it is all true and we are living it every day. Thanks Mommy for putting it all into perspective. What a crazy mess!

  7. I was just doing some google searches when I came across your post. I think its hilarious that two LDS people came up with the same blog title for similar, but different reasons. I wasn't brave enough to post a picture of what I looked like with my front tooth missing, but hopefully you will enjoy the story.


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