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My Cup Overflows...

Last night, Johannah and I drove to Ann Arbor, and as always, I am reminded how much I love the state of Michigan, the city of Ann Arbor, and the University of Michigan.  Because the wonderful "happenings" have already begun, I'm going to keep a running tally of everything over the next couple of days.

Schlotzsky's.  One of my favorite restaurants, and always a stop on our trip here.  In fact, the Schlotzsky's in Maumee, Ohio is exactly 4.5 hours from our front door in Port Matilda.  Granted, after being on my diet for the past three weeks, I woke up with a terrible stomach ache this morning, but I won't deny that it wasn't totally worth it.

Seeing Mark.  He has changed.  He's no longer tall and scrawny.  He's now tall and built.  I could hardly believe how different he looked.  And one of the first things he noticed?  How good Johannah looks, having lost 11 pounds (and he didn't even know she was dieting).  What a good big brother.

The next 90 minutes felt like five, as we laughed, and laughed some more.  Mark makes everything funny, and it's a joy to be around him.

This morning, we found Mark at the School of Music.  He's taking Johannah to two of his classes today (one music theory, one German), and just walking down the hall towards us, he was hilarious.  He struck a pose (with his backpack on his back, and carrying his horn in one hand, and his bag of music in the other) and said, "Look Mama, I'm a col-LEGE student."  I know it doesn't translate as funny in words, but it made my day.

Coming down the hall of the School of Music
Then, they walked into class together, and when I realized that Johannah had Glo's bow in her viola case in the classroom (the bow that I need to get rehaired), I caught their eye in the window of the door, but not before I saw them talking non-stop to each other.  I'm seriously so thankful that my kids are friends, and that they get along.  Of course, Mark had to make some joke as he brought me Glo's bow ("what the heck do I do with THIS?").  It was pretty funny, seeing his awkward hold on it.

So, there you go.  During Mark's next class, Johannah is headed to the basement of the School of Music to get in an hour of practicing.  It sure was fun just walking her around the building, and (again) being reminded of my time there.

Oh, and one other moment.  I pulled out on the highway to take Johannah to class, and I was being PASSED by cars when I was driving 80 mph.  AWESOME!!


I picked up the kids from school.  Yes, THAT school, and we headed downtown to do some window shopping.  Of course, we didn't make it out of Cherry Republic for less than $100!  Love that place.  And M Den?  I don't even want to TALK about it!

Next, I had to take Mark to Zingerman's, an Ann Arbor Institution.  Seriously, the best sandwich I've EVER had.  Mark didn't like his, so I'm guessing he won't be visiting there again, but I will!

We headed back to the hotel where both kids promptly fell asleep.  Mark's alarm just went off, and they are headed to their next adventure. Johannah is attending Mark's German class "German in Song" where he's looking forward to using her alto talents.


Johannah LOVED Mark's German class.  Mark said she was a total champ, understanding everything, and even speaking.  Oh my gosh, I'm so proud of my girl.  The coolest thing was that the class is offered in Burton Memorial Tower, this iconic building on campus.  Man, my kids live the good life.

While the kids were "spreching Deutsch", I drove out to Huron Scuba.  Yes, Ann Arbor even boasts a first-rate scuba shop!  I found two awesome scuba masks for John and me, and realized that if I ever need any other scuba stuff, this is the place to find it.

So Mark headed to rowing practice and Johannah and I headed back to the hotel.  By this time, her cold was full-blown, and she just wanted to rest.  She was quite glassy-eyed in the car.

Mark's concert was amazing, although there wasn't enough horn for me!  I think every composer should write for the four horns--what's up with all the strings??  They NEVER stop playing!  It was "Der Fledermaus", the Sleeping Beauty suite (which Mark played as an Intermediate at Interlochen), and Dvorak Symphony No. 8.  Again, I'm so thankful that Mark is having this amazing experience at Michigan.

In front of Hill Auditorium (an inside shot can be found to the right of this blog post)

After the concert, all the musicians and audience members gather in the front lobby.
It's quite a jovial meeting.  Mark was thrilled to see his bishop, his wife, and another
wife of a bishopric member there for him.  They even brought him chocolate!
Only my kids....
We headed back to the hotel to....what else...swim!  Coincidentally, Mark had his rowing trunks (aka "trou"), and we jumped in.  It was such a treat to find a wonderfully, heated pool.  We had originally planned to jump in the hot tub, but there were some shenanigans going on in there, so we felt like we were "settling" for the pool.  I think the water must have been at least 85 degrees--it was nice.

Cottage Inn Pizza.  Yes, I'm hoping John doesn't read this blog post, because he's going to be livid when he discovers that we ordered pizza at 11 p.m., and ate it.  Oh man, it was so good.

I think Mark left around 12:30 (like, after midnight).  Yes, Johannah is thinking college life is pretty darn good.

We slept in this morning. Hannah needed it, with her raging cold.  Mark met us for breakfast at the hotel (he ate the biggest cream-filled danish I've ever seen), and we were off.

We headed across the street to Briarwood Mall.  Another thing I love about Ann Arbor is there is just so much shopping available.  It reminds me of how I felt when we would return to the States from Germany--so much to buy, so much needed, so little time.  We found Mark a new bag for his music since he was still dragging around the bike bag from Interlochen, and Hannah got to do some shopping for a "special someone" as well as for herself.

We then headed downtown to "The Parthenon", a Greek restaurant that serves delicious gyros (we call them by their turkish name, kebaps).  Heaven.....

Uh, Hannah, you got a little stuff on your lip, there?

We then dropped off Mark at his car and said goodbye.  I never like this part.  I don't realize how much I miss my kids until I see then again, and then must say goodbye.
Can he ever take a serious picture?  I think not!
(Like the scarf, Anna?  I wear it non-stop.)
Hannah and I ran out to the edge of town to buy pie.  Yes, pie which for me is a Michigan staple.  At this point, I realized that I left my credit card at the Parthenon, and we headed back into town.  We grabbed Glo's rehaired bow at Shar and drove home.

Michigan, kids, conversation, music and good food.  My cup overflows.


  1. I'll never forget the fast speed limits of Germany highways and how comfortable you all were with it. That was fun!

    Is Johannah going to apply to U of M?

    So happy for you all...I hope my kids will be teenage good friends like yours are!!

  2. Awww... I love to see that you're wearing the scarf!! And such good times you all had together!

  3. Wow, I sure missed out on a lot of fun, Mommy and her kids sure are great together!!


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