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Christmas Tree Hunt, 2011

With all the chaos of November, I almost forgot to post my annual photo essay of our hunt for the perfect Christmas tree.

Funny thing?  This year, it was too easy.  We love to joke about the miles we actually walk to find the perfect tree, the fights that ensue about cutting down the tree, the whining, the cold.  Not this year.  We were literally in and out of the Christmas tree farm in less than 30 minutes!  We blame it completely on Ethan--he's the cause of all previous troubles :-)

So with that, here it is:

This is the FUNNIEST picture of the whole set.  Notice Creeper Pearl...

Locked and loaded in the Honda Element.  We're ready to go!
Pearl was chosen as the honorary Aussie this year.

But first, John has to take care of some maintenance on Mark's car.
It seems that college students are too busy to fill up the tires on their cars.

The pressure was at 24psi.  It's supposed to be 32 psi.
Sitting in the car, we could actually feel the car moving up
when John filled up the individual tires.

Breakfast at McDonald's.

Yes, my comical family caught me coming back from the Porta-Potty...
...before we'd even begun the hunt.
Hey, I wanted to be prepared in case we had to hike five miles!

Hannah carried the tree saw this year.

No joke--five minutes, and John had found the perfect tree!

This is Mark, running away from the responsibility.  Or, just trying to show off his guns.

First year for Johannah.

Look at that determination!

Again, what the heck is Mark doing?  Obviously, NOT helping with the tree.

Glo just ran through the trees with Pearl.

Tough enough job for you there, Mark?

Like I said, running.

Again with the gun show?


Glo and Pearl

Waiting for the tree to be "shaken"

Poor Pearl had to ride with all the pine boughs.
Yes, she actually stayed this way the whole way home...sleeping.

Manly tree, perhaps?

How many Eagle Scouts does it take to tie a tree to the top of a car?

Runner-up for the Christmas card.

Merry Christmas, everyone!


  1. Haha I like how even though I actually cut down most of the tree, and carried it onto the top of the car, there are no pictures of that(: GLad I could show off the guns so much though(: Why was I in that pose in like every picture? Coincidence? Or just my rower inside busting out? Thanks Mama for posting(: I love reading about home!

  2. And what the heck is Pearl doing in that laughter picture??? Haha

  3. Sounds like lots of fun...great pictures. Glo looks soooo cute in the Santa hat, she might consider a job at the North Pole!

  4. Your tree is so much prettier than ours! Haha ours resembles a stick. Love the pics.


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