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Every Wednesday, I spend 3 1/2 hours driving the girls down to Philadelphia for their violin and viola lessons.  I then spend 90 minutes in the city, dropping them off at the different studios, and picking them up at the different studios.  It can take me 20 minutes to drive 0.7 miles.  People ask why we don't walk from one lesson to another, and I remind them that there's no place to park for less than $20.  Afterwards, it's a mind-bending 3 1/2 hours back to State College, in the dark, with the girls asleep in the car.

I don't mind doing this because of the teachers.  Their teachers are the best, and they make the trip completely worthwhile.  As was proven with Mark, the commitment pays off, both literally and figuratively.

However, I definitely don't LOVE the drive.  While it's become routine, and we know what to bring and pack, and the girls are adept at doing homework in the backseat, I don't enjoy sitting in the driver's seat for 10 hours straight.

Last night, however, we discovered a lovely distraction from the drive, and it flabbergasts me to think that I didn't see it before.

Two words:  Krispy Kreme.

Okay, three words:  Krispy Kreme Doughnuts.

At the corner of 16th street and Chestnut Ave. in the middle of Philadelphia sits a hole-in-the-wall Krispy Kreme Doughnut Shop.  No tables for eating.  Just a counter and a glazer.  Yes, you know what I mean if you've ever been to one of their shops.  A GLAZER.

This is downtown Philly.  16th street is bumper to bumper traffic with only two lanes going one way that are really the size of one lane.  Hotels, restaurants, and shops line the street and there are people everywhere.  It's the only route I know to exit the city from Johannah's lesson.

I have NEVER seen this store before.

So last night, while inching my way down 16th, I looked to the right, and there it was.  And the angels sang.

Turns out, it just opened.

And I threw Johannah out of the car with a $20 bill.

I yelled out the window (as I was still inching along) that I would circle the block (that can take 10 minutes alone), and she was to come back with as many doughnuts as money could buy.

I'll tell you, that 3 1/2 hour drive home didn't seem quite so bad as I was stuffing my body full of warm, glazed original Krispy Kreme doughnuts...


  1. Krispy Kreme doughnuts right out of the oven! Totally melting in your mouth! Mmmmmmmm

  2. I enjoyed the chocolate covered, creme filled ones that you guys brought home. They were shaped like a circle so I called them fat pills!


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