Why is it that we, as musicians, can play 999 notes out of 1,000 correctly, but we focus on the one note we played wrong? Seriously, why?
When the pizza guy came to the door last night, here's what John saw: It took a few seconds for John to process who the pizza delivery man was, but when he did, he was incredibly happy (and couldn't stop saying "heeeeyyyyy....". It was Jared Moran, John's best friend. And me, I just knelt down, right then and there, and began repenting of all the lies that I have told over the last four months, hiding this most amazing surprise :-) I told Sarah the other day that I was glad to see the light at the end of the falsehood tunnel, because if I kept this up much longer, I was destined to end up in liars' hell... Jared ran the Air Force marathon with John last year. It was his first marathon, and from what he told us, his last. However, he called in June and said he was coming again, but I was supposed to keep it a surprise from John. I'm not sure what changed his mind, but we sure are glad he did. John hates runnings marathons alone, and ther...
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