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Bridal Photos

 I don't know that it's a thing anywhere else in the world, but in Utah, brides get "bridals" before they get married.  I have mixed feelings about these photos because frequently the bride ends up posting her bridal photos before she even gets married which seems anti-climactic.  I mean, I think the high point of any wedding is seeing the bride and her dress for the first time.  However, I decided that we needed to get bridal photos done for two reasons:

1.  I wanted photos of Glo and Gordon for the reception, and,

2.  I wanted them to have a chance to have their photos taken without other people around.  I think there is a lot of busy-ness on the day of the wedding, and I wanted them to have moments recorded where it was just the two of them.

I don't regret them one bit.

It was a bit of a challenge, getting everything ready before the photo shoot.  Shannon had wanted us to use a friend of the Bridge family to take the photos.  When I looked at Abbey's portfolio, the photos didn't strike me as photos that Glo would want--they were pretty dark and moody.  Sure enough, when I presented Glo with Abbey's photos, and the photos of another photographer I found, she chose the bright, airy photos (thank goodness!) by Photography by Tasha Rose.

Then we had to find somewhere where she could get her hair done.  We had bought the jeweled flower head piece and needed a stylist who could work with it.  Hannah had a recommendation and sure enough, they were willing.

Finding a bouquet was easy, but holy smokes, they have a corner on the market in Utah.   Every bouquet was crazy expensive! I mean, for real, if I lived there, I would learn how to make bouquets and sell them for $50 less than everyone else, because I still would come out rolling in Benjamins!  We gave the colors to the florist, and they said they would have it ready.

Glo needed to take her dress to a seamstress/tailor to have a bustle added, and to get the bodice altered.  It had cups in it which we wanted removed, but the seamstress told us Glo would then need to wear a padded bra.  WHAT?!?  So Glo did what she was told.  She walked into Victoria's Secret, gave them her bra size, told them she needed a padded bra, and she didn't want underwire.  They had ONE which she took home without even trying it on.  Ahh, to have small boobs....

Too, Gordon was under the watchful eye of Glo to get his suit altered.  The coat was too big, and the pants were too long.  I guessed at the tie color, and after second-guessing myself, sent eight more ties to Glo.  She stuck with my original one for both the bridals and the wedding, and it seriously was just the right color and size.

Glo was also busy ordering wedding rings for Gordon to wear in the photos.  He doesn't like to wear rings, but she told him that if he's marrying her, he'd probably better wear a ring ;-)  He gave her four options, and she chose one.

Seriously? Would this all work?  We had told the photographer that we wanted wildflowers which are in abundance in Utah this summer because of the rain.  She told them to meet her just outside of Provo at Squaw Peak.  Really?

So Gordon flew in for the weekend, suit in tow, Glo got her hair done and picked up her bouquet (with a strangely-bright red ribbon which actually kinda worked), Ruth and Emily tagged along to carry things and help with the train, and they drove up the canyon.

Everything came together in some of the most beautiful photos I've ever seen.  As John said when he saw them, "Best $500 we've ever spent."  Agreed.

(And to be honest, we got over 110 photos--I can't choose so this is a very random assortment.)



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