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Birthday Lunch with Temple Friends

I've now been working in the temple office for four years.  In that time, there has been a change in the temple presidency.  It was a joy getting to know the former temple presidency and matrons (Pollard, Lund and Doot), but the current presidency will always be very special to me.

I remember Sister Jones as an ordinance worker.  The reason she even got on my radar was that a woman in Chelsea Ward mentioned that her aunt worked in the temple who just happened to be Sister Jones.  So I struck up a conversation with her about her niece and the Chelsea Ward.  I was delighted when she was called as the temple matron although I didn't know her husband at all.

Working in the office, I have the chance of working shoulder to shoulder with the three matrons, and it is an understatement to say it is a privilege, but there is something very special about Sister Jones.  I have seen her reaction in many different situations, and every time she responds with patience and love.  Not with a sickly kind of love that I've seen from other women in my life, but a real respect for all of God's children no matter their circumstances or their behavior.  Seriously, a branch of the armed forces bomb unit should hire her because I've seen her diffuse some pretty tense situations.  And every time, it's a learning experience for me.  Seeing how she speaks and the ideas she presents, I have no doubt that the mantle of responsibility sits squarely on her shoulders and she is constantly imbued with the Spirit.

Sometime in January, Brother Jensen (one of the assistant recorders), Sister Jones and I were working around a computer together, trying to problem solve a scheduling issue.  Brother Jensen decided to use February 24 as the simulation date, and I couldn't help but mention that it was my birthday.  And more than that, I mentioned that IT IS MY BIRTHDAY AND I LOVE MY BIRTHDAY!  God bless Sister Jones who then asked me what I do for my birthday that makes it so great to which I waxed rhapsodic about birthday season.  She and Brother Jensen listened intently, with huge smiles on their faces, and without missing a beat, told me that they would have to celebrate with me.

In my mind, I thought "sure....", but a week later, Sister Jones asked me if it would be okay to also invite Sister Starr, my favorite fellow temple office worker to a birthday lunch in honor of me.  She gave me two dates, February 3, or February 6 with the explanation that she wanted to be the person to initiate birthday season.  Funnily enough, I was subbing in the office on February 3, so February 6 it was.

I'm not gonna lie.  I was pretty nervous.  I mean, we talk extensively in the office every time we are together, but hanging out socially would definitely take our friendship to a new level.  But at noon on February 6, we met at First Watch in Troy, and the next two and a half hours flew by.  And to be honest, I knew it was all going to be good when Sister Jones sat down next to me, offering a hug and a big bag of birthday chocolate ;-)

I go to lunch with a lot with different woman, but I think there was a bubble of solemnity or sacredness around us sitting at that table, munching on salads, soup and an omelette.  We still spoke of sacred things and shared our testimonies, and how thankful I was when I mentioned blessing the food and Sister Jones didn't skip a beat in bowing her head and offering a little prayer.  But as I write this, tears come to my eyes when I think of Sister Jones asking how Glo is.

She knew I had some worries about Glo from a week or two ago, but she told me that she has been praying for Glo.  It was such a tender moment to see a friend whom I love take some of the burden of worry and prayer from me and take it on herself.  So often I feel alone in my worries, not having a parent and especially a mom with whom to share those, and John gives me an enormous listening ear and the best advice he can offer, but there's something special hearing that from someone whom I love so much who is no blood relation at all.  I really felt like I could picture the weight of my worry moving from my shoulders to hers for a brief moment, and words can't express my gratitude for that. It was yet another tender mercy from my Heavenly Father for me to know that He hears my prayers for help and guidance and answers them in the form of loving temple friends.

And it was lovely to hear Sister Starr say the same thing that I think on a weekly basis:  working in the office with the temple matrons is such a gift.  She looked right at Sister Jones when she said it, and all I could say was "Amen".

Thankfully I remembered to grab a selfie at the end of it all, but I will forever hold in my mind the feelings of love and acceptance around a table at lunchtime.


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