There are a couple of places on earth that have my heart, and I didn't really appreciate this until I saw how much Interlochen means to Glo. It's a place where she can be who she is, and she returns again and again. New Mexico is one of those places for me. I think New Mexico might run in my genes. My mom spent part of her childhood in Albuquerque (being a military brat, I'm never quite sure what location plays into what part of her childhood), and my dad was stationed there for a while. In fact, he met his second wife, Janet, there, and she is from Albuquerque as well. After my dad died, Janet took her two kids back to Albuquerque, and that's where Meg calls home. Growing up, I visited my grandad in Las Vegas, but many years ago, he and his wife, Vannette, moved back to Albuquerque where I have continued to visit him. Too, I have some actual good memories of going to Ruidoso on weekends as a holiday, and I suspect that is at the core of why I love it...
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