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Celebration of the Egg, 2022

It wasn't until just days before that the family decided we would have CoTE.  In fact, it took Glo texting her brothers herself and convincing them that we needed to do it.  However, I had been traveling for nearly three weeks, and we wouldn't pull in to Northville until late Thursday night (with CoTE beginning on Friday).  Hannah took the reins and went decoration shopping--I have to laugh because when I told her that I was paying, she bought $500 in decorations! Yeah, I took $300 of them back to Party City the next day, and the cashier asked me why I would ever buy so many only to return them.  I completely blamed Hannah ;-)

I had already gone Easter candy shopping (the day before Easter) because I knew there would be no candy left a week later.  And we had plastic eggs.  We bought some straws at Target and five dozen real eggs at CostCo.  We decorated the house, filled the eggs, and waited for everyone to arrive.

What a fun weekend!  I mean, there's nothing like having the babies around, but having them on CoTE weekend?  Hannah and I had found a Pikachu dress at Target that Baby wore around, and we all just ate and played and enjoyed being together.

Glo ended up winning egg drop.  

John and I won the egg toss tournament.


We never ended up dyeing eggs even though I had cooked 2.5 dozen of them.

The egg hunt was a success despite our backyard being a lake.  And shoot, it was a HOT day, not something we're used to yet.  

The prize table was pretty fantastic with everyone bringing their A game in the prize department. And when everyone ended up wanting one of the two Squishmallows that Hannah and I had found at Costco, everyone piled into cars and drove to Costco with Poppie treating everyone to their very OWN Squishmallow ;-)


Hannah chose a winner decoration in a colorable tablecloth.  I'm not sure what impressed me more--the coloring, or the accompanying singing of Disney songs, all with multiple harmonies.

That night was DnD while I baked my heart out for the following Sunday where we were serving (and eating!) Easter dinner.

The next day, we hosted the family and a couple of YSAs from Hannah's ward for dinner.  Ham, cheesy potatoes, homemade bread, frog eye salad, carrots, and a carrot bundt cake from Nothing Bundt Cake ;-)


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