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Turning 22

October 2, 202... Too bad Glo isn't turning 22 on 10/2/22!  Hmmm, guess I should've thought that through 23 years ago ;-). Yep, the Kennedy baby turned 22.  I ask you, HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!?

As it so happened, Glo needed a second root canal (the first was the big one and was right before she left for fall semester), and Dr. Rodriguez didn't want to wait until Christmas, so we scheduled it for the week of her birthday because I figured I would be flying her home anyways :-) (As a side note here, for posterity's sake, and to save Glo future teasing, Glo takes AMAZING care of her teeth.  She does far more than any of her siblings, especially more than her cavity-free older brother who will come here for a week, forgetting to pack a toothbrush AND WON'T ASK FOR ONE NOR BUY ONE....)

She arrived at DTW Thursday night/Friday morning, and like every time Glo comes home, she just falls back into a rhythm.  She woke up the next day and went running with Cherry. And then we went out for Chinese food for lunch (eating it in Dexter next to the creek) before we headed to the dentist.  She's a sucker for won-ton soup.

Afterwards, we met up with Daddy, and he took her shopping.  First for jewelry and then for clothes at Talbot's.  Yes, Talbot's.  Glo loves Talbot's.  I then took her to the container store (also a favorite shopping spot for Glo), and we bought a large container for all of her art supplies that reside at home.

We had a fiasco at Panera (the place Glo wanted for dinner) when they didn't have half of the ingredients, and their smoothie machine was broken, but we made it work.  Much to Hannah's chagrin, we watched "light's out" for the evening movie.

Saturday morning, we prepped for General Conference.  I made cinnamon rolls and pumpkin pie and started the taco chicken while Glo and John went running.  After showering, she opened "the one" present that is always a requirement before birthday Conference--her Lego set!  This year, I found a winner in an NES.  We started conference, she started building, and I started eating my cinnamon rolls.  And the animals never left her side the entire weekend.


Between sessions, she was all about opening more gifts and playing games.  Keltis and Codenames were her choices.  And she wanted to test out her new Sleep Pod by taking a nap.  It was obviously effective ;-). Hannah went old-school with a blanket ;-)

We didn't actually know that there was an evening session of conference, so we bought tickets for a movie.  Beth texted and asked if she could help us celebrate, so she and Reid came along too.  We saw Shang-Chi, a most excellent movie!

The next morning, while not her birthday, still felt like it because we frequently heard "...because it's my birthday...."  We had pork loin, and brown rice, and biscuits, and carrots, and pumpkin pie for dinner before she left, and we played more games.  Nertz and Spades this time....and more Codenames.

And FYI, Glo doesn't ever need a fork to eat pumpkin pie....

And then she was off.  Not too bad for needing a root canal.... ;-)


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