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Califor-Nye-A, Day Three

After our mission tour weekend, we felt like it was time to go home.  I seriously think we packed a week's worth of visiting and driving into those two short days.  But nope! Another week of fun still awaited us!  But one last thing--Glo wanted to go to the chapel for transfers, and there she was able to see the last of anyone she knew from the mission.  Of course, several elders came up to her and tried to speak to her, but she was all about seeing her hermana friends one last time (cue eye roll from her very worried mother....)  We saw Hermana Assumpçao one last time and told her to come and visit us.  Like, next week ;-)

Then we headed over to the Charles Schulz museum.  It sure is cool that Charles Schulz lived in Santa Rosa and that Peanuts characters are everywhere!  The museum turned out to be a delight--we were laughing out loud at the comic strips--and there was a very cool temporary exhibit titled "Lucy, Fussbudget and Feminist".  I didn't think we'd be there long, but after reading comics, and watching movies, and finding the art room (!), we were there for several hours!  It gave me a renewed appreciation for the sweetness and simplicity (and cleanness) of the Peanuts comic universe.

This wall was completely made of comic strips!

Chick-fil-A for a quick lunch, and when I mentioned to Joe, our order taker, that we were excited to be there because we don't have a lot of Chick-fil-As where we live, and when he found out we were from Michigan, he threw in four complimentary cookies and brownies! Yep, I can see why Glo loves California ;-)

Then we were off to Muir Woods.  Glo, John and I came back during that fateful Napa trip in 2018 when Glo told us that she definitely wanted to come back someday...and got her mission call there just months later, but Hannah had never been.  It made me so happy to see her fall in love with it as much as we did the first time as well.  It's an easy monument to visit and hike (thankfully for my very painful plantar fasciitis in both feet at the moment), and we breezed through it so Hannie could earn another Junior Ranger pin.  Did you know that George Lucas named his Ewoks after the indigenous people, the Miwok, who lived in the redwood forests aka Endor?  So cool!

Then we drove over the Golden Gate Bridge (yes, we were FREAKING out!) into San Francisco for dinner.   The Monk's Kettle.  A very hip place where I'm afraid we were out-classed on all sides in our hiking attire and sweatshirts (Glo was proud to point out that she still fit the bill in her rayon chambray blouse).  The food was so flavorful and cool and different.  I really enjoyed it.   But John had been eyeing a place called "Cream" across the street throughout dinner, and we walked over afterwards.  Turns out it is a make-your-own ice cream sandwich joint.  HEAVEN!


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