31 years. I do believe I start every anniversary post with the number of years. I can't help it. I don't think I've done anything for 31 straight years except living and breathing. That is a really long time. I think both John and I stand in awe of that number because to be honest, we don't feel much older than our late 30s, but as we all know, getting married at age 9 is not legal in the United States. We had a trip to Grand Cayman booked months ago, but as October neared (the month when John has his conference) and COVID wasn't abating, it became obvious that our annual celebration wasn't going to happen. No worries though--John and I have committed to being grateful for a job this year and have been committed to putting away serious money in retirement. So, in the days preceding November 11, he was busy pulling call in PA again which, as trying as it is for him emotionally and physically, pays off in so many good ways. But the morning of November 1...
A blog chronicling the adventures of the Kennedy Family