21. I can't even believe Glo is 21. I mean, when I think back on her life and all she's done, she should probably be 40 by most people's standards ;-). But everybody's little Glo? 21? Yeah, it's hard to believe.
I had balloons delivered to her apartment the day before she flew home, because I knew she wouldn't tell anyone it was her birthday, but I knew her residents would want to celebrate with her. Hannah told me that as Glo was walking across the quad back to her dorm room, people were yelling "happy birthday" to her.
Sure enough, they did a great job celebrating the day. They brought Martinelli's over at midnight (a very appropriate 21-year-old gift for an LDS girl), but nobody had a bottle opener (also a good sign!). Glo managed to get the top off with a knife. And they gave her some cute little gifts. I seriously love her residents, or as they correct her, "friends".
I wanted to bring her home for her birthday. She wasn't home the year before, and she kinda loves the tradition of her birthday, but with rehearsals, it had to be Friday night to Sunday evening. She wasn't even home 48 hours. But you better believe we fit in what we needed to!
We went for a walk along the B2B trail in Dexter with Cherry.
We stopped for cider and doughnuts at the Dexter cider mill.
She had pumpkin pie for her birthday cake, although she also requested a Sander's Bumpy cake!
We watched all sessions of General Conference while she rebuilt our two Lego haunted houses, and built her Mandalorian Razor Crest.
We played some board games.
I made pumpkin cookies for her to take back with her.
And with one picture in the driveway, she was gone.

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